Chapter Twelve: Cowboy vs Douce Bag

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The music blasted through the house as Jade and Rachel held on close to each other. The two of them got waves from people they barely knew but they were both nice and waved back with a slight smile as they found themselves at the alcohol table. "Oh hell yeah, they got the good stuff." Rachel smiled, picking up the bottle and pouring her and Jade some drinks. "For you miss."

"Thank you, now if you excuse me... I have a cowboy to go find." Jade smirked, taking a swig of her drink and slowly tipping her hat.

Rachel smiled, pointing her finger at her. "Have fun, I'll be over there trying to find a man myself."

Jade shook her head as she turned and walked towards where the people were making out, all of them not taking their hands off one an other. Jade felt someone tap her shoulder, making her jump slightly but she smiled when she saw Mindy. "Hey!"

"Mindy!" Jade exclaimed, hugging the girl. "I'm so glad I found you, what do you think?" Jade asked, letting go of the twin and showing off her outfit.

"Oooo looking good girl, if I weren't in a committed relationship and you weren't dating my brother I would snatch you up." Mindy replied, putting her arm around her friends shoulder. "Speaking of my brother, he is over there with Ethan."

"Thanks Mindy, and hey maybe if things don't work out for me and Chad and for you and Anika-" Jade started to joke but Mindy pushed her playfully.

"Get out of here." Mindy smiled, walking over towards Anika who was sitting on a couch patiently waiting for her girlfriend.

Jade slowly walked up behind Chad as he was talking to Ethan, the two of them were getting into each others faces while laughing. She wrapped her arms around Chad, making him look down worried at first but then he smiled. "There's my girl." he said, giving her a quick peck on the lips. "How was work?" he gently pulled her forward so that she was beside him.

"Pretty good, I had a few mean people but others then that it was good." Jade replied, putting his arm around her waist as she noticed the awkward boy staring at the two.

"Hey Jade." Ethan smiled, waving his hand at her before turning away from the two.

"Ethan, it's nice to see you. What are you boys up to?" Jade asked.

"I was just trying to get Ethan to talk to that girl over there." Chad said, pointing his head towards a girl dressed as sexy Harry Potter.

"Guess Rachel wasn't the only one." Jade muttered, watching as Chad cleared his throat.

"Hey excuse me!" Chad exclaimed, making the girl look over at him. "Howdy, how you doing? My friend here... he's a snack, right?"

The girl just awkwardly shrugged her shoulders with a smile, before turning away from the three of them. Jade held back a laugh when she saw Ethan's face. "What did that mean?"

Chad chuckled, "No, it's good."


Jade looked at Ethan before smiling, "It's not good."

"There's room for improvement." Chad smiled at Ethan as Anika approached them.

"Hey, big guy, you're needed." She said with a smile, patting Chad's arm making all three of them follow her to the problem.

Once they arrived at the stairs Jade noticed that Tara was going upstairs with a very known douce bag, Frankie.

"Hey, partner!" Chad yelled, looking up at the two. "Tara's good down here."

Frankie scoffs, "Sorry, bro. I didn't catch that."

Chad let out a chuckle of disbelief, "Uh ha, yeah... you did."

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