Chapter Seven: Why?

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Jade sat outside for a bit, not wanting to be apart of the group at the moment since they just accused Sam of hurting her and her own sister. She sat on the porch swing as it moved back and forth, her once leg making it move.

The door creaked open and Jade let out a sigh when Chad sat next to her. "Hey."

"Hi." Jade responded, not making eye contact.

"Listen I'm sorry if we upset you but Mindy had a point, anyone can be the killer." Chad explained, crossing his arms as he stared at the street.

"So that means that you can be the killer?" Jade asked.

"What? Jade I'm not the killer." Chad said, looking at her with a saddened expression. "Why would I hurt you, or let them hurt you. You're my best friend."

'Best friend, huh?'

"So? Sam is Tara's sister and apparently she can be Ghostface." Jade replied, standing up with her crutch and walking towards the door. "Listen lets just not talk about this right now, okay?" she asked, turning to look at him finally.

Chad nodded, "Yeah, okay."

Jade and Liv sat in the living room as the twins walked in with snacks and water. "So you guys want to watch a movie or something?" Mindy asked, handing them the food and water.

"Sure, just not horror." Jade sighed, opening the bag and eating a chip.

"Why don't we just play a board game or something? I'm tired of this movie bullshit." Chad said, sitting down next to Jade causing Liv to frown slightly.

"Ooo how about we play truth or dare?" Mindy asked.

"Okay." Everyone agreed.

"Okay Liv, truth or dare?" Mindy asked, a smile on her face.

"Umm... truth." Liv replied.

"Ew.. weak. Okay, where did you go the day we all went to visit Tara?" Mindy asked.

Liv looked over at Jade, "Did you tell her to ask me this?"

"What?" Jade frowned, being a bit offended. "No, we were all curious though."

Liv crossed her arm, "I went to my grandma's house." she replied, not making eye contact with them. Clearly Jade could tell she was lying.

"Okay, Chad truth or dare?" Liv asked.

"Mmmm... I'm gonna playing it safe for now. Truth." he smiled, causing his sister to groan.

"You guys are all pussy's." Mindy muttered.

"Okay, do you have a crush on anyone at the moment?" Liv asked with a smile.

Chad froze for a moment before rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah."

"Wait seriously?!" Liv exclaimed. "Who?"

"That all you get." Chad sternly said, turning to Jade. "Jade... truth or dare."

"Mmmmm.... dare." She replied, causing Mindy to give her a high five.

"I dare you to call Wes and tell him that Tara knows he likes her." Chad said.

"I don't have my phone." Jade said, her phone still not being found.

"Use mine." Chad said, handing her his phone.

"This is kinda mean guys." Jade frowned.

"You can tell him you're joking right after." Mindy said, giving her a reassuring shoulder squeeze.

Jade sighed, pressing Wes's contact and putting it on speaker.. it rung for a moment before it went to voicemail. "Welp, he didn't answer." she said, handing him the phone back.

"That's weird, maybe he's still on his run." Chad spoke, grabbing the phone and putting it away. "You got lucky." he smiled.

"Okay um Mindy truth or dare?"

"Dare obviously!" Mindy smirked.

"I dare you to-."

"Liv honey." Martha said, walking in the room. "You need to go home." the mother's eyes filled with tears.

"Why?" Liv asked, kind of concerned.

Martha hesitated, before turning on the tv. The news popped up and the caption was, 'Sheriff Hicks and her son, murder by killer.'

Jade's eyes prickled with tears and her hands covered her mouth. "no."

All of them watched the news with disbelief, they couldn't even process fully that their friend was dead. Liv hurried home as Martha turned the Tv off and looked at the kids. "I'm sorry."

Jade felt like she couldn't breath, her heart was beating so fast but yet there was no oxygen in sight. As fast as she could she made her way up the stairs and into Mindy's room where she grabbed her bag, one she got it she walked back down the stairs and towards the front door.

"Woah where are you going?" Chad asked, stopping the girl.

"I have to see him, please I- I."

"Jade there's no way the cops would let you see him right now." Chad explained.

"He's right, just come sit down okay?" Mindy asked, trying to get her friend to calm down. "Also Amber just text, she's going to have a party for him tomorrow night. A memorial for him."

"That was fast." Chad muttered, a bit of suspicion in his voice as he pulled Jade back to the couch where they all patiently waiting to hear any news about the murders.


Dewey Riley was now dead.

First Wes and now Dewey, Jade couldn't believe they were both gone. Why did someone need to start killing again? Why did it have to be their friend group? Why, why, WHY?!

Jade felt tears leave her eyes as she tried her hardest to sleep but she couldn't. She quietly left Mindys room and headed to their backyard where a tiny garden laid in the back.

She sat on the bench and let the tears flow onto the ground, it was like the plants were getting watered by her salty tears as she broke down.


She turned to see Chad looking at her through his window. "Sorry."

"What are you doing out there? It's one in the morning." He said, stepping away from the window before he appeared at the back door. He quickly wrapped his football jacket around her before sitting down on the bench with her. "You okay?"

"No, so much has happened in the past three days." Jade replied, her hands glued to her face.

"Hey, we'll figure out who did this okay?" Chad stated, trying to reassure her.

"Chad you don't understand, I don't want to lose you... or anyone else in our group." Jade explained.

"Jade I understand, okay?  When you got attacked I thought you were dead.  I thought I didn't make it there in time and you would be gone forever, but you're still here." He grabbed her hand. "I'm still here, okay?  I'm not going anywhere."

Jade nodded, "Okay."

A lump formed in Chad's throat, "Jade I-"

"Guys?" Mindy asked cutting Chad off.

"Oh hey Mindy." Jade said, whipping her face.

"We having a party out here?"

"No we were just coming in, right Chad?"  Jade asked, looking at the other twin.

"Oh- oh yeah, let's go shall we?" Chad replied, grabbing Jades arm and helping her inside.

"Hey what were you going to say before Mindy interrupted you?" Jade questioned, looking up at Chad.

"Don't worry about it.  Have a good night." He said, giving her a slight smile as he dropped her off at Mindys room.


Jade laid back down on the bed as she tried to fall asleep. She knew she had to get lots of sleep tomorrow for the party. All Jade hoped was that the party is actually nice, all she wants is a night to relax and let go.

Besides how bad could the party be?

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