Chapter Fourteen: Breakfast War

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The morning after the party Jade slowly woke up due to movement in her room. When she opened her eyes the sun hit her, causing her to let out a groan as she covered her face with the blanket. She heard a chuckle before someone jumped on top of her causing Jade to groan even more. "Rachel get off me!"

Rachel let out a hysterical laugh as she bounced up and down on the bed, trying to wake the sleeping girl. "Wake up! Your boyfriend brought us breakfast, but he won't let me eat any until you're up."

"He has a name you know?" Jade replied, pulling the blanket off her face while raising her brow with amusement. She then got up from her spot and stretched her arms in the air while letting out a loud yawn. "I hate the mornings."

"It's only eight in the morning." Rachel shot back, standing from the bed and wrapping her arm around Jade's shoulder. "Now come on, I'm starving."

When the two girls walked out of the bedroom Jade was surprised to see Ethan also joined them for breakfast. Jade noticed the way he stared intensely at his phone, his leg was bouncing up and down making the dinning room table shake a bit.

Chad sat all of the food on the counter in the kitchen. "Morning ladies." Chad spoke, giving Jade a quick kiss on the check before he moved to the uncooked food.

"Wait, you said he brought breakfast... not that we had to cook breakfast." Jade stated, turning to look at Rachel with a unamused face.

"Well technically yes I did say that... BUT in my defense Chad told me to tell you that. Also me and Ethan have to go grab milk so you two have fun!" Rachel exclaimed, grabbing Ethan's arm and pulling him out the door.

"Wait my phone!" Ethan screamed, but he was cut off when the door slammed closed, leaving Chad and Jade standing there with a confused but entertained look on their faces.

"What just happened?" Chad asked, pointing at the door.

Jade just shook her head and turned to grab the eggs. "No clue, guess we're cooking. Let's see your skills Chef."

She already knew that he was great at cooking, since she made him make everything in their cooking class that they had together. Chad smiled walking up behind her and grabbing some bags. "Yes Ma'am."

"Ma'am?!" Jade laughed, turning around with a betrayed look

"Yes... Chef?" He corrected.

"That's works."

The two turned on some music and started making their food, since they all didn't have a class till ten in the afternoon. Jade felt it was kind of weird that it was only the four of them, but she just shrugged it off and continued to crack the eggs into the bowl, since that was the only the Chad let her do.

"Hey Jade." Chad spoke, the sound of him moving near her could be heard briefly over the music.

"Yeah?" Jade asked, her eyes on the eggs in front of her.

"Does this look mixed enough?"

How would she know?

Jade turned around only to be met with Chad blowing flour right into her face, causing her to tense up and freeze in her spot. Chad tried not to laugh but the failed attempts to hide them slipped through. Jade just put a hand on her side and stared at him in disappointment.

"I'm sorry! Oh that was good!" Chad laughed, standing up straight and looking at her with a smile. "Come on, you have to admit that it was a good prank!'

Jade's hand slowly slid over to where an egg was laying, "Oh... it was so funny."

Chad's eyes went wide when he saw where her hand was going, "Uh oh." he muttered, running past her and towards the living room.

"Chad Meeks-Martin, you get back here!" Jade exclaimed, running after him with the egg in her hand.

"Not the full name!" Chad replied, moving even faster.

"Yes the full name, now stop running!" Jade said, moving her legs as fast as she could.

Chad put himself on the other side of the couch so that it separated him from her. The two of them laughed as they ran around the couch, both of them having a different definition of fun. Jade was having fun, due to the fact that she really wanted to get revenge for him blowing flour in her face.

Yet for Chad... he was just happy to see her smile. The boy slowed down his speed and 'tripped' over the rug, making him land on the couch with a groan.

Jade laughed, carefully jumping on top of him and holding the egg above his head. "Any last words?"

Chad smirked, "Really?"

"Are those your last words?"

"No, no wait!" Chad laughed, putting his hands up. "I'm sorry for blowing flour on your face."

Jade lowered the egg, "Awe, really?"

Chad nodded.

"That's sweet... but it won't save you." she replied, bringing the egg down onto his face where it cracked and spilled right on his forehead.

Chad closed his eyes and let out a fake death noise as he pretended to play dead on the couch. "ugh, I'm dead."

"Sure you are." Jade rolled her eyes playfully as she went along with it. "Oh how could I do this?! If only there was a way to bring him back!"

"A kiss might help." Chad whispered in a different tone, pretending someone else was talking.

Jade smirked, whipping some of the flour off of her face and putting it on her finger. "if you say so." she replied, moving her fingers to his lips and smearing the flour on them.

Chad coughed, sitting up while he whipped the flour off of his lips. "That's fair."

"Mhm, now let's cook breakfast before they get back." Jade replied, standing up and offering a hand to help him up.

"Alright, fun times over." he frowned, grabbing her hand and standing from the couch before turning to the kitchen.

Jade walked past the table where she heard a phone ding. Curiousity got the best of her so she walked over to the phone on the table, who she could only assumed was Ethan's. Jade quickly peaked and saw that it was a text from Quinn.

Q: 'Make sure you're ready for tonight, this is going to be so much fun...'

Jade raised a brow in confusion just as the door opened, Rachel and Ethan walked in. Both Jade and Ethan made eye contact, which made Ethan tense up a bit when he saw that Jade was by his phone. Jade was quick to make her way to the kitchen to help Chad before she could be accused of anything... but deep down she wanted to know what the message meant.

What were they hiding?

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