Chapter Four: Hero

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Chad stared down at Jade's unconscious body as the sound of the paramedics and police showing up pulled him away from the girl. He unlocked the door and the medics got to work while the sheriff questioned the boy. "Can you tell me what happened?" Judy asked.

"Well I was supposed to come pick her up.. I was told an hour but I was running a bit late." Chad started, trying to remember what happened. "I couldn't find my keys, so I had to borrow my moms car.  I was on my way when she called me and told me the killer was in the house and they took all of her knives."

"How did they take all of her knives without her noticing?" Judy asked.

"I don't know, maybe when she was in the shower? That's why I didn't pick her up right away, was because she wanted to shower... damn it we should have just told her to get a shower at our place." Chad sighed, looking over and noticing they were taking her away. "Wait can I go with?"

"I'm sorry but we need to ask a few more questions, you can visit her after." Judy replied, giving the boy a pat on the back. "We've alerted her mother of the attack, she said she'd would try to get back as soon as she can."

Chad nodded, watching as they took away his friend. "Okay, what do you need to know?"

"Can you give me anything that could help identify the killer? Height, voice, body build?" Judy asked, bringing out her notepad.

"Well they were definitely a smaller build than me, they felt very light when I pulled him or her off Jade.  I couldn't really tell by the voice since they didn't talk when I got here, the only noise they made was when I threw them." Chad explained, he let out a frustrated sigh. "Listen Sheriff Hicks, I'm sorry but that is honestly all I know."

Judy nodded, "Okay, thank you Chad. You may go."

Chad slightly smiled, running out the door and to his car where he got his phone and called the friend group to tell them what happened. Since it was so late the only ones who were willing to go to the hospital were Chad, Mindy and Wes.

Once they got there the three of them waited patiently in the waiting room, hopping their friend was okay. "Are you kids here for Jade McDaniels?"

Chad was the first one to stand, "Yes-yes we are. Is she okay?"

The nurse looked at the chart in her hand, "Your friend is okay, but she got hurt pretty bad. She has a broken wrist, a few snitches in her left leg and in the multiple wounds on her back. We'll only need to keep her for a bit, since the cuts weren't as deep. Unless she gets better or worse in her condition, it's entirely up to how she recovers from this attack." The nurse explained, giving the kids a slight smile. "She's in room 458, right next to your other friend."

"Wait I thought Tara was in room 103?" Wes asked, standing from his chair.

The nurse was confused, "Oh I figured you guys heard, Tara's sister was attacked so they moved her to a more safer room. That's why Jade was moved up there as well." the nursed replied, staring at the kids.

"Sam was attacked?" Mindy asked, which the nurse responded with a nod.

"Listen kids I shouldn't tell you more and I really shouldn't be letting you visit right now but, I didn't see you guys." She said, turning around and walking away.

The three of them hurried to an elevator and pushed the button for the fourth floor. Once they got there they slowly pushed open the door to see Jade asleep on the bed. Samantha stood in the middle of the room, watching over the girl. "Sam?" Wes asked, staring at the Carpenter sister with confusion.

"Hey guys, sorry I just wanted to check up on her." Sam explained, stepping away from the bed and towards the kids.  "Also I didn't want her to wake up alone." Sam finished, patting the kids on the shoulder and walking out of the room. The three of them not getting to ask if she was okay.

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