Chapter Twenty-One: Is This The End?

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The cold breeze hit her as she stood by the fresh grave. Tears stained her face as she crouched down next to it, placing roses down on onto the dirt pile. She looked at the name carved into the stone with guilt and sorrow as past memories flashed in her mind. Jade has surely went through all the stages of grief, yet she could never get to the acceptance part.

She would always wake up and hope that everything they went through was just some sick nightmare and that Rachel was in her room eating some kind of food. Yet no matter how hard she hoped it was always never reality.

Jade let out a deep breath as she stared at the name. Tears started to once more flood her face as she felt so much guilt. "I'm so sorry."

The sound of Rachel's laughed echoed in her mind once more as the memories flooded her brain. Memories like the day they first met, or when they were working in the Cafe together, or when they went shopping together, when they were watching movies. Anything they did together always made Jade have a permanent smile on her face, though now all the memories are just brining her sorrow.

The laughter stopped when a hand was placed onto her shoulder, making her turn to she all over her friends there; besides Chad since he was still recovering. They all crouched down next to her, they didn't speak, move or make any noise at all. They just sat there and watched her grief for her friend, all of them not wanting to interrupt her.

Mindy rubbed Jades back as she cried, the girl feeling a bit a familiarity since Jade did the same to her at Anika's funeral. Yet they didn't go to Rachel's funeral due to Jade not wanting to see the girls parents. She felt so guilty for being friends with Rachel to begin with, but in the end they never would have know this was going to happen.

They all just wanted a normal life, but they couldn't due to their past family members. They were stuck in a life of always running, always being paranoid, and always knowing the pain of being stabbed or sliced.

It was a heavy thought for her but she pushed through and wiped her tears away. "Thank you guys."

"Of course." Tara stated, side hugging her friend. "We all loved Rachel but you were always much closer to her."

Mindy nodded, joining the hug. "You guys were like two peas in a pod."

Jade smiled. "We should probably get back to Chad before he goes insane."

The girls laughed before helping her up from the ground, all of them walked together back towards their apartments. Chad was still recovering so he had to stay back from their little visit. They all tried to talk about something else besides the events that happened to them, all of them deciding if they still want to continue here or not.

Jade was most likely on the staying side since she didn't want to go back to her mother, but she knew that the woman was already planning on coming here so she had to figure out what to say to her. The girl has been getting phone calls from her mother but she has declined them every time. When they got back to the apartment that they were all staying in all of the girls turned to see Chad passed out on the couch.

The boy hasn't been able to sleep well in the hospital so this is the first time he has gotten sleep in awhile. Jade slowly walked over to him, grabbing a blanket from the other couch before placing it onto him. He moved a bit but after a few moments he went back to being still and sleeping.

Mindy smiled, "You're so good to him."

Jade just smiled back, "He'd do the same for me... he has done the same for me. Back when we were recovering together he would always make sure i was okay before he was. I never knew why, until he asked me out on the playground." Jade explained, making Mindy chuckled a bit.

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