Chapter Twenty: Still Alive

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The group walked through the crowded street, all of them agreed that they would take the subway to get to the theater. Everyone was close together all of them not letting anyone out of their sights as they walked towards the subway station. Jade was watching around them to make sure no one was following or watching them due to her suspicion. She's had it back in the van when Ghostface said he was always one step ahead. To her it always seemed like he always knew what their next move was, but if everyone in their group was there around the van how did he know?

She's thought about the possibility of a snitch in the group, and she defiantly had her eyes on one person but she kept her mouth shut. Everyone was hurrying until they all heard a phone ring, stopping them in their tracks as they slowly turned to where the noise was coming from.

Jade slowly looked down at her pocket, the phone playing a ringtone as it rang over and over and over. She slowly reached for her phone and looked at the screen, letting out a heavy sigh of relief. "It's my mom, should i answer?"

"Yeah, but hurry." Sam replied, looking around at all the people around them.

"I can walk and talk." Jade said, pushing the answer button before following behind her friends. "Hey mom."

"Jade honey are you okay?" her mom's frantic voice asked.

Jade raised her brow, "I'm okay, what's going on?"

"I've seen the news." her mother started, before taking a deep breath. "I want you to come home."

Jade's eyes went wide, "What? No mom i can't, this is where I wanna be. And my friends are here-"

"I don't care, by the end of the week you are to be packed and ready for me to pick you up. I knew i shouldn't have kept this from you, especially after last year." She stated, the sound of something being moved made Jade confused.

"Tell me what? Mom what is going on?" Jade asked, her hand traveling to Chad's when they were heading down into the station.

"It's about your fa-"

Jade's mom was cut off by static, "Mom can you hear me?"

She slowly lifted the phone away from her face to see that she lost connection to the call. Jade sighed before putting her phone back into her pocket. She was a bit uneasy when she saw that most the people leaving the station were all in costumes, making it harder to tell if the people behind the masks were friends or foes, but they continued on with the plan.

"Is this even a good plan?" Ethan asked.

Tara glared at him before looking ahead once more, "You don't have to come if you don't want to."

"So we just peel off and the killer picks us off one by one? No, thank you." Ethan replied, looking around like a mad man.

"Let's just get to the theater. Come on, in here." Sam replied, walking towards the train.

"Ah yes, because it'll be much less scary at the serial killer movie theater." Chad stated, holding on tight to Jade.

People pushed into the group, making it very hard to Saturday together. When Jade went to grab Mindy's hand she looked back and noticed her friend was farther back then the rest of the group. "Shit Chad, Jade wait!" She exclaimed.

"Mindy, hurry!" Jade stated, getting Chad's attention.

"Wait, wait Mindy!" Chad screamed, trying to grab his twin with Jade but someone shoved into them, making the two enter the train. Chad shoved his arm to try and stop the door, but Danny pulled him back making the doors close. "SHIT!"

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