Chapter Sixteen: Telling The Truth

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On there way back to the apartment building Rachel made them stop at a small cafe so that Jade could clear her head a bit, which Jade appreciated a lot. Rachel looked up at Jade with a frown, quickly deciding to put down her drink before grabbing Jade's hand. "Hey, do you want to talk about it?"

Jade stayed quiet as she stared down at her own drink, so many things going through her head. She looked up at Rachel after a few seconds, "I don't know." she stated, her words soft as she thought king and hard about how she felt about the situation.

Rachel nodded, "Listen." She started, leaning closer. "You told me the story between you and Chad. And honestly it's one of the most beautiful love stories I've ever heard." she cringed, making Jade laugh a bit. "I mean hell, you two almost died together!" she continued, quieting down a bit when she saw the looks the two were getting. "In all seriousness, if Chad likes Tara... he wouldn't have asked you out. And it is very obvious that he likes you, he really doesn't hide it."

Jade smiled, looking down at the table. "Yeah, it's just- why would Tara do that today? I'm not sure Tara would try and take him from me... that's not the kind of person she is. I'm just trying to figure out what Quinn could have seen."

Rachel frowned, "Tara definitely wouldn't do that to you. And what if Quinn is just trying to start something? Not trying to accuse her of anything either!"

On cue Jade's phone buzzed, causing her to look down with a frown when she saw Chad's name appear. Rachel saw who it was and raised her brow, "You going to answer it?"

Jade took a second before she hit the green button and got up from the table and walked to the bathroom, "Hey."

"Hi, you guys almost here?" Chad's voice filled her ear.

"Yeah Rachel got hungry so we stopped somewhere real quick." Jade explained, her hand running through her hair.

"Alright, hey are you okay? I was going to go after you earlier but Quinn and Rachel insisted that they go." Chad spoke, a hint of struggle in his voice.

"Yeah I'm okay, are you?" Jade asked, with a small chuckle.

"Oh yeah! Sam just needed me to move a few things so we could have places to sleep." He explained, before stopping a moment. "Just let me know when you get to your apartment and I'll come over and help you and Rachel with things."

"It's just a few bags." Jade replied.

"So? Can I not want to help my amazing girlfriend and her friend carry over bags to our improvised sleepover, so we don't die from a masked killer?" Chad asked, a smirk could be heard through the phone.

"Chad stop flirting with Jade and lift your end!" Mindy yelled.

"Jade I got to go, I lo- I'll see you soon." Chad stuttered.

Jade froze for a moment before she smiled, "I'll text you when I'm home." she stated, taking the phone away from her ear and hitting the end button.

'Did he just almost say he loved her?'

Jade thought for a moment, a smile on her face as she looked down at the picture of him and her on her phone. That conversation right there made it obvious that Chad was not cheating on her. She didn't care what Quinn thought she saw, besides why would Jade trust someone she just met over someone who has been in her life since birth?

Once Jade walked back out she saw Rachel with their stuff, "Ready to go?" Rachel asked, handing Jade her purse.

"Yeah, let's go." Jade smiled, grabbing the bag and walking toward their apartments once more.

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