Chapter Seventeen: Massacre

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Everyone ended up showing up to the sleep over, except for Ethan. Apparently he had a class to attend that night. Jade stood in Tara's room, trying to find her phone charger. She searched through all of her pockets of her bags and let out a small groan when she couldn't find.

The door opening made her quickly turn her head to see Tara peaking her head through, "Hey."

Jade awkwardly smiled, "Oh, hey." she stated, turning back to her bag.

Tara walked in and closed the door behind her, Tara stood there for a second until she cleared her throat, "C-Can we talk?"

"About what?"

"About something serious that i need to get off my chest?" Tara replied, sitting on her bed.

Jade really didn't want to talk about what Tara was going to tell her, since she technically knew what she was going to say. Her brain fought for a moment until she turned around and gave Tara an expression that made Tara's eyes go wide.

"You know... don't you?" Tara asked, staring down at the ground.

"Yeah, yeah i know." Jade replied, turning back to her bag and digging farther in. "I- I know that you don't like him anymore but my mind keeps thinking back to all the times where you would tell me about your crush... and now that i know it was Chad it all made sense why i related to all the things you liked about him." she stopped and turned to her friend, "It was Chad you were talking about, wasn't it?"

Tara didn't make eye contact, instead she just stared at the ground and nodded her head.

Jade let out a sigh, her mind still fighting with what actions she could do next. In a split second she found herself walking over and brining Tara into an embrace. The other girl hesitated for a moment as shock hit her, before she slowly wrapped her arms around her; the girls head burying into Jade's shoulder as she let tears fall down her face.

"I'm so sorry." Tara spoke, a hint of regret in her voice. "I promise i was never planning to get between you two." she finished.

Jade just rubbed her back, tears also threatened to leave her eyes. "It's okay."

"No." Tara replied, pulling back a bit and looking up at Jade. "You're my best friend Jade, and i don't want this to ruin our friendship."

Jade frowned a bit, "It won't ruin our friendship. I mean it may be a little different for awhile, but i'm sure we'll forget about this after this whole thing is over."

Tara nodded, "Okay." she stated, pulling Jade back in for another hug for a few seconds.

Once the girls talked it all out and luckily found Jade's charger, they walked back out with somewhat smiles on their face as they talked about old memories. Chad watched from afar with a smile as he saw the two acting somewhat normal with each other again since it was his idea for Tara to tell her now. The boy looked down at the pot in front of him as he stirred the noodles that were in the pot.

Everyone was doing there own thing as Jade walked up to Chad with a smile, "So, i talked to Tara. I think we'll be okay."

Chad smirked, "That's good, i'm proud of you."

Jade laughed, "You're proud of me? What are you my parent?"

"Can i not be proud of you?" he smiled.

Jade shook her head, looking down at the ground for a second before frowning. "So, now that we know this is real. I wouldn't blame you if you'd want to leave... considering last time."

Chad turned to her, "That's very thoughtful of you, but um... I don't think i'm going anywhere." he reassured her, making Jade smile back.

Mindy gagged, "Will you two just make out already?"

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