Chapter Nineteen: Stages of Grief

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The group had a plan to track the killer when he calls Samantha, Kirby was sure that she could do it quickly. Jade had no idea whether to believe that fact or not but she was trusting the woman to do so. They sent Sam and Tara out in the middle of the park, along with Detective Bailey walking around not too far away. While, Jade, Chad, Mindy, Kirby and Ethan all sat in a big white van by the park, ready to track when the killer calls.

"So we're really doing that phone tracing thing that never works in the movies. It'll be all, "Keep him talking Sam. Two more minutes, I've almost got him." Mindy explained while Chad just acted like he's heard this before by the way he was moving his head along to her words. "And then he hangs up just before we can get a lock."

Kirby smiled, "I can trace a call in under fifteen seconds."

Mindy looked defeated for a moment until she leaned herself forward, "Well, you've got them out there as bait."

"Because the killer usually calls from somewhere nearby." Kirby replied.

"And you think they're safe because it's broad daylight in a public place?" Mindy asked, raising her eyebrow at the woman.

"Look, i am here okay? And so is Bailey." Kirby responded, trying to make the girl drop the conversation, but Mindy kept going.

"This is exactly how our Uncle Randy died. Broad daylight, public place, yanked into a van. Stab, stab, stab, no more Randy!" Mindy stated.

"Huh." Kirby replied, before turning to the computer screen.

Jade turned to Chad, "That's all she could say?"

Chad just shrugged his shoulders but then turned to glare at Ethan when the boy offered him a Cheeto from the bag he was holding.

"Hey Sam, stay frosty out there. Okay?" Kirby stated.

"We're good." Sam's muffled voice replied, just in time for her phone to start ringing. "You're gonna die you know?" she asked, the killer.

"No you're gonna die, Samantha! Chocking on your own blood while i hack up your sister." He responded.

"Unless we find you first." Samantha stated.

"For a mastermind, you're not very bright. Waiting for me to call, desperately hoping i'm nearby so the police can grab me? But i'm not nearby... i'm a step ahead. Be seeing you, Samantha."

And then just like that Ghostface was the one to hang up.

"Did you get it?" Sam asked.

"Yep." Kirby replied, a placing popping up on the map in front of her. "Geolocation coming through right now. He's on the Upper West Side, inside an apartment building halfway across the city."

"On West ninety-six?" Tara asked.

"How did you know that?" Kirby responded.

Jade thought for a moment until her eyes went wide, "Oh my god."

"What?" Mindy and Chad asked at the same time.

"Gale." Sam's muffled voice spoke before the line cut.

Jade was quick to rush out of the van, everyone's hands tried to stop he but she was quick enough to avoid them. She ran towards where Sam and Tara were walking, the young girl was quick to catch up with all three of them. That's when she saw Tara hopping into Detective Bailey's car. "Sam get in!" her sister yelled.

"Guys wait for me!" Jade yelled, making Tara look at her.

"What are you doing here?" Tara asked, opening the back doors while Sam gets into the front.

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