Chapter Ten: Future Plans

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Months Later

Jade ran down the street, her breath heavy as she frantically knocked on the door. "Come on, come on." she muttered, hitting the door until it swung open. "Did it come?"

Mindy smiled, pulling the girl in as everyone sat on the couch.

All the kids except for Sam, applied to see if they could get into Blackmore University in New York City. Jade was rushed to sit down as she stared down at her letter in her hands. Everyone stared at each other as they waited for someone to say something.

Martha walked in with a smile, "Well go on kids!"

All of them ripped open the letters, and skimmed the text. Jade's smile went wide as she looked up at her friends. Everyone had a positive look on their face, "Did we all get in?" she asked, revealing her letter.

Everyone nodded as they all showed their acceptance letter's before they all stood up and jumped around with excitement. They all celebrated with snacks and drinks as they watched movies and played games thought the night.

If anyone saw them they would never think that these teens were attacked and traumatized by masked killers who they thought was their friend or their lover, but at that moment they were together so nothing could hurt them anymore.

Jade felt like she was being watched so she looked up and noticed that Mindy was whispering in her twins ear while both of them were staring at Jade. She smiled at the two confused before Mindy walked towards her, "Hey we need more drinks, wanna go grab some with Chad?"

Chad groaned with his hand on his face before he stood up. "I can just grab them-."

"No, it's okay I'll go with." Jade smiled, walking past him and towards the kitchen.

Everyone looked at him with a smile except for one person, but no one seemed to notice her emotion.

Chad flipped everyone off before walking into the kitchen, clearing his throat. "So, you feeling okay?"

Jade poured some Pepsi into her cup, "yes?" she laughed, looking up at him with a raised eyebrow. "You feeling okay?" Jade copied his question, putting the drink down before noticing the people behind him. "Guys?"

Chad turned and glared at them before grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the front door. "Come with me." he smiled, holding on tight to her hand as they ran through the darkened streets.

Jade let out a laugh of excitement as they ran, "Where are we going?"

"Just keep following me!" he replied, pulling her towards the near by playground where they used to play when they were kids. He stopped running and slowly walked over towards a table bench, sitting down with a sigh. "This is not how I expected to do this." Chad muttered, letting out a tired laugh.

"Do what?" Jade asked, standing in front of him.

Chad looked up at her, "You know when we played truth or dare with Mindy and....." He paused, remember their dead friend. "Or when we were at the party and Mindy told you I liked someone?" he asked, before groaning. "Okay remember when-"

"Chad." Jade stopped him, her hands on his shoulder as she stared at him. "I get what you're saying, what about them? Is there someone you like?"

Chad smiled, "Yes."

"That's good!" Jade exclaimed, kind of feeling a bit of jealousy. "Who is it?"

Chad laughed, hesitating for a bit before standing up and connecting their lips. Jade instantly kissed back, a feeling of lust rushing over her when Chad's hands went from her face to her hips. It was like the romance movies that Jade used to watch, the way the fireworks went off in her stomach caused her to smile in the kiss.

When the two of them pulled away for air they just stared at each other with a smile.

"So it's me?" Jade asked, a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

Chad laughed, shaking his head. "Of course it's you... it's always been you." He paused, staring at the swings. "Ever since that day I saw you on the swings... I knew you were the one."

"We were five." Jade replied.

"I mean it, five years old or not I just knew." Chad explained, his eyes scanning hers.

Jade smiled, as she put her head to his chest. The subtle fast beat of his heart could be heard as she rested her head there.

"You like me too, right?" Chad asked, his arms wrapping around her.

She looked up at him with a 'Really?' look. "Dude, would I have kissed you back if I didn't?"

Chad raised his hands before in surrender before wrapping them around her waist. "Just making sure, so that means I can kiss you again?"

Jade nodded, steeping up slightly as he connected their lips once more. Their lips moved in sync as Jade's legs hit the bench causing Chad to lift her by her thighs, her butt landing on the table part of the bench as she laughed. "Chad." She laughed his name between kisses as she pushed him off. "As much as I would like to kiss you... I'd rather not do it in the dark and in the middle of a children's playground."

Chad looked around with a smile, "I don't see anyone." He replied, going to kiss her again but she put her finger on his lips causing him to sarcastically groan. " Okay... okay, you win." Chad replied, grabbing her hand and helping her down from the bench.

Jade looked down at their connected hands and quickly grabbed her phone, snapping a photo of their interlocked fingers. Chad looked down at her with his brow raised.

"What are you doing?" He asked, watching her pulling up her messages.

"I'm just simply cherishing the moment." Jade smiled, pressing onto the photo and sending it to Chad's phone.

Chad shook his head with a smirk, "Jade."


"You realize my phones at the house, right?"

Realization hit her as she looked up at him. "Oh no."

Next thing they knew the group chat was blowing up with excitement. Jade just looked up at Chad with a smile, "Well, at least they're supportive."


The next week Jade and her friends were packed for college, all of them shoving their belongings into their car as their parents said goodbye, Jade's mother hugged her tight not wanting to let go. "Mom, I can't breath."

"Oh, I'm sorry hunny. I'm just going to miss you so much!" Her mother exclaimed, rubbing her daughters back a few times before her eyes looked behind Jade. "Now mister, you better keep an eye on her."

Chad laughed, wrapping his arm around Jade's shoulder. "I will, thought I've seen Jade fight so I'd bet on her to win if someone tried to start something with her." Chad laughed, but cleared his throat when he saw her mother's face. "But I will definitely keep a close eye on her and make sure she gets in zero fights."

Jade patted his chest before looking at her mother, "I'll be back for the holidays, okay?"

Her mother nodded, hugging her once more before watching her daughter walk away. All the kids got into their cars, waving one last time before they drove away from Woodsboro.

Leaving their past behind them... or so they thought.

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