Chapter Three: Hello Jade

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Once they all left, the kids had to go to the sherif station because apparently shortly after they left, Vince was killed by Ghostface. It didn't last long, so once they were all done Jade was dropped off at her house by Chad and Mindy, the two twins waving goodbye. "Night guys!" she exclaimed, walking to her front door and unlocking it.

Jade put her stuff down and went to go to the bathroom to shower but the sound of her doorbell ringing made her confused. "Chad? Mindy is that you?"

Jade slowly walked up to her door and put her eye through the peephole in the door, but no one was there. She slowly unlocked the door and peaked outside, "Hello?" she asked, staring out to the front yard but no one was there. Jade shook her head and quickly closed the door, "Good job Jade, you just got yourself killed for being curious." she muttered, locking the door and heading to her phone. "Yeah no." she said, grabbing her phone and pulling her contact list up on the screen. "No way."

She quickly pressed Wes contact, and waited patiently for him to pick up but he didn't. "UGH." she groaned, pressing onto Mindy's contact.

"Mindy Meeks-Martins speaking how can I make my best friend's night?" Mindy spoke, making Jade laugh.

"Hey, I'm not feeling to comfortable being home alone so if Martha is okay with it could I come over to your place? I can just walk over its not too far." Jade asked, walking up the stairs and into her room. She only live like three blocks away from the twins, so it wouldn't be that bad... hopefully.

"Let me ask." Mindy stated, the sound of her getting out of bed could be heard through the phone. "MOM CAN JADE SPEND THE NIGHT? SHE'S FEELING SCARED!" Mindy exclaimed.

"You didn't have to tell her that part." Jade frowned.

"Wait, Jade's coming over?" Chad briefly spoke, "Does she want me to pick her up?"

"She said she'd walk." Mindy replied, before screaming again. "MOM?!"

"Yes sweetie, she's always welcome here." Martha spoke, sounding kind of close.

"Oh hi mom, I didn't know you were right there. Hey Jade, do you want Chad to pick you up?"

Jade stared out her bedroom window nervously, "Umm... maybe. Could he pick me up in an hour? I would like to shower and eat first." she explained.

"Can you pick her up in an hour?" Mindy asked Chad.

"Yup." Chad replied, the sound of his door closing following.

"See you soon!" Mindy exclaimed, "Love you."

"Love ya too, thanks." Jade replied, hanging up the call and grabbing comfy clothes to sleep in before hopping into her shower.

Once she was done, she dried her hair, changed, and then started packing her bag.

Jade hummed her favorite song as she grabbed her bag and walked down the stairs. She didn't know why but her eyes moved towards a closet briefly for a moment before she just shrugged her shoulders and walked into her kitchen. Her phone dinged and she looked down to see that Chad texted her.

Chad: I'll be leaving soon, be ready 😤

Jade laughed.

Jade: I'm already ready slow poke

Chad: I'll show you slow poke, maybe I'll drive EXTRA slow

Jade: You're so funny 😑

She stared making a sandwich while she waited for Chad. Jade was going take take a bite but her phone started ringing. Without looking she picked it up, thinking its Chad telling her he was here. "Hello." Jade stated, with a smiled.

"Hello Jade." the filtered voice spoke.

'No. no way this is real, I must have fallen  asleep again.' Jade thought.

"Mindy is this some kind of joke?" Jade said, pulling the phone away from her face and reading the number.

It wasn't a saved number from her phone but under the number it said, 'Maybe: Amber Freeman.'

'Oh no.' Jade thought, thinking back to the hospital earlier. The group all figured out that Amber's phone was copied by the killer, due to Tara being called and threatened by Amber's phone number.

"This isn't Mindy.... or Chad. Do you think he can get here in time to save you?" Ghostface asked, his voice turning into a laugh. "I don't think he can."

"How did you know- How the hell did you know he's coming here?" Jade asked, running to grab a knife but they were gone.

"Maybe because I'm in here with you." Ghostface said, the sound of something falling in the distance could be heard.

"Hell no." Jade mumbled, hanging up the phone and hitting Chads name. "Come on, pick up, pick up, pick up." She repeated, walking towards her back door but the sound of something outside made her jump slightly.

"Jade?" Chad's voice spoke through the phone.

"Chad, Ghostface here." Jade mumbled, her eyes slowly filling with tears. "And all my knifes are gone."

"Can you make it to the front door?" Chad asked, the sound of his car speeding up could be heard. "I'm pulling up now."

"Okay." Jade replied, turning to her main door and moving her feet.

Jade ran to the door but was cut off when the killer jumped in front of her, slashing her in the arm. She grunted while falling to the ground, her body sliding into a table. Ghostface stalked towards her and grabbed her leg, dragging her towards them. Jade went to push them off but she was met with a knife to her leg. "CHAD!" she exclaimed, trying to get him to help her.

Jade let out a battle cry as she pushed the killer off of her, crawling towards the door where she quickly opened it, but Ghostface was quick to close it. Jade's wrist getting crushed by the door, causing her to let out a cry of pain. Ghostface then opened the door again and slammed it on her wrist once more, the sound of bones snapping could be heard as Jade weakly looked out the door to see a figure running towards the door. Her arm was pulled out from the door as the killer closed it once more.

"Jade!" Chad's voice screamed from the other side of the door.

Ghostface locked the door and stabbed her in the back multiple times, until Chad ran in from the back. The boy had a key to the house since the two families were very close. He grabbed the killer off her and threw them across the floor, Chad went to go after them but the killer ran quickly out the door. Chad turned to Jade and quickly pulled out his phone calling the cops, he put his phone between his ear and his shoulder and used his hands to put pressure on her wounds.. but there was so many.  "Jade stay with me okay? Jade?"

Jade didn't speak, instead everything around her went black.

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