Chapter Thirteen: Again?

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On the way back to Sam, Tara and Quinn's apartment, Jade's mind was filled with so much thoughts about the party, and the 'fight' after the party.

It all happened so fast so she really didn't get to do much, but that feeling didn't stay long since she didn't like parties to begin with; so why would she be upset about missing one?

She really hasn't been to a party since the one where her friends almost died, and she really didn't want to go to any more since then... but Tara begged Jade to go, so she did.

Jade noticed the new change in Tara's energy recently, the girl seemed more confident and energetic than she used to be, yet at the same time Jade just knew it was a cover up. Most of the newer friends in the group know about their past but no one else really knows... well now they do since that jerk at the party had to announce it to the world.

One thing that also stood out in Jade's mind was the group of girls that harassed Samantha. Besides, if they thought she was a killer... then why would they give her a reason to kill them. Jade wasn't assuming that Sam was the killer, she would never think that about any of her friends, but if the girls thought Sam was the killer then those girls had some real courage to do something that would make her mad at them.

Jade was pulled out of her thoughts when an arm wrapped around hers. "Penny for your thoughts?" Chad asked, his face right next to hers as he looked at her with a cheeky smile.

"Too much for you to handle." Jade laughed, moving his arm away from hers and interlocking their fingers. "But I appreciate the check up."

Chad and Jade started having the habit to talk to one an other when one of them is deep in thought or seems to be upset with something.

If that's the case, then the other person will immediately check in on them. They don't do it every time single time they seem different, but usually it's when they think the thoughts are about the killings that they went through.

Chad smiled, "Of course... but seriously, you were really away from the world there." he stated, making Jade smile. "If something is wrong, you can tell me. Okay?"

Jade stepped on her tip toes and gave him a kiss on the lips, "I know, thank you. And same goes with you."

Chad nodded, pulling her forward while spinning her around so that she was now on his left where the door to the apartment was. Jade laughed pulling the door open for everyone, she extended her hand and pointed inside of the apartment building. "After you."

Chad shook his head, walking in the door and waiting at the side for her. Mindy looked at Jade and pointed in her mouth while making a gaging sound, showing how she hated when Chad and her were 'lovey dovey' with each other. At least that's what Mindy calls it.

Jade smacked her playfully before following Sam in who was the last one to arrive, yet the older girl stopped by the bottom of the stairs. "You guys go up, I'll be there in a minute."

Jade looked back with her one brow raised, "Are you sure? I can stay with you if you want me to."

Sam smiled, "No, I just need a moment."

Jade was hesitant for a moment but she just nodded and put a hand on Chad's shoulder, slowly pushing him up the stairs and away from the girl. They walked into girl's apartment, changed into normal comfy clothes, and grabbed snacks before sitting down and relaxing on the couch. Rachel plopped down next to Jade and handed her a cup of water . "Thanks."

Rachel hummed in response, staring at the tv that lit a white glow through the room. "What top story do you think will pop up today?" she asked, taking a handful of popcorn and shoving it into her mouth while looking at the news channel.

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