Chapter Six: Origins

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The next morning the doctors told Jade she could leave, but she had to rest a lot. She had to be very careful so that her stitches wouldn't rip. Jade thought it was weird that she was leaving before Tara but apparently her wounds weren't as bad as the other girls. Jade had a cast on her arm and bandages around her back and on her leg, she had a slight limp as she walked but the crutch that she had made it less hard to walk, and she was also in less pain due to the medicine that the doctors gave her. Martha was holding the girls stuff as they made their way out of the hospital, "You sure you want to walk?" Martha asked, watching the girl use her crutch for support. "We could always get you a wheelchair."

"Yeah, I'm okay.  We're almost there." Jade stated, her good hand tightened on the crutch as they walked.

Once the two got to the car she saw Mindy and Chad both waiting for their mother and friend. "Hey Jade." Both of them stated, helping her in the car.

"Hi you two." Jade replied.

"So Sam called us and wanted us all to meet up at our house. Apparently she wanted to tell us something." Mindy explained.

"Oh okay? You think it's about Ghostface?" Jade asked, buckling her seatbelt.

"I guess we'll find out." Chad muttered,  jumping in the backseat with his sister and waiting for his mom to drive.

Once they got to the Meeks residents, Wes, Liv and Amber all started showing up. All of them asking if Jade was okay which she just awkwardly responded with a nod. "Okay guys no crowding her, just leave her be." Martha stated, walking into the kitchen to grab some snacks.

Mindy walked in with Sam, Richie and Dewey fucking Riley. "Randy was our uncle." She kissed her fingers and put it to the big picture of a younger Randy. "R.I.P."

Jade smiled at the older man. "Hi Dewey."

"Hey Jade, how are you?" Dewey looked at her with shock, "You've gotten older."

"You said to bring everybody." Mindy spoke.

"Hey." Sam awkwardly said, as she stared at everyone.

Martha walked out with a tray of snacks. "Oooo suspects. My brother would be so proud!"

"Hey Martha." Dewey spoke, making Martha look at him with shock.

"Dewey, hi!" Martha said, pulling him in for a quick hug. When she pulled away she looked at him, "You look..." she stopped for a moment.

"Yeah." Dewey muttered, not so proud of the conditions he was in.

"How's the wife?"

"Touchy subject." Jade whispered to Amber, who was sitting in the chair beside her.

"Okay mom, we're good. Thank you." Chad spoke up, giving his mom an 'okay.' sign.

"All right, kids have fun." She said, pointing her fingers and her eyes and then at Chad and Liv. The girl really wanted to sit next to him. Chad responded with an awkward thumbs up as he quickly glanced at Liv before turning his attention to Sam.

"I asked Mindy to call everybody here, because... there's something I have to tell you." Sam spoke, her and Richie sitting down on the couch.


Jade sat munching on popcorn as Sam just got done telling the group that she was Billy Loomis's daughter. She was very shocked to find that out but at the same time she found it weird that the group was all connected to the some of the previous victims.

"Let me get this straight, you're saying that you're the daughter of Billy Loomis and what, that one of us is the killer?" Chad asked, kind of shocked with the news.

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