Chapter Eleven: Are You Ready For This?

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Jade had a sense of deja vu as she swept the wooden floored cafe that she worked at. Her coworker Rachel had her hand on her chin as she leaned on the counter and stared at the clock. The tiny arms slowly moved in their normal clockwise motion as she let out a groan. "There's no way we have an hour left. Can't we just close earlier? I wanna go to the party!" Rachel exclaimed, grabbing onto Jade's shoulders and shaking her dramatically.

Rachel was Jade's new friend, well besides the friends she already has. The girl is very chaotic and is known to be a party animal. Rachel was one of the first people Jade trusted when she moved here, and ironically they both just started working at the cafe at the same time. Rachel is very lazy when it comes to school though, she sleeps through all of her classes, she doesn't study, and most the time Jade helps her with her homework so she doesn't fail.

Jade doesn't mind though, since Rachel was a kind soul who always had her back. And another thing about Rachel... she is in love with food. If you give her food she will excuse you for anything you do to her, well unless you hurt her friends; if you hurt her friends then she will hurt you.

Jade laughed, looking over as her. "Be patient, Chad said he'd bring our costumes here once we close. That way we can hurry up, get changed, then we'll go." Jade explained, picking up the dustpan and throwing all the garbage in the bag that laid on the floor.

Rachel frowned, grabbing a chair and sitting on it. "We have no costumers though!"

"Rachel, you and I both know how pissed Michelle would be if we closed earlier. Especially if it was for a OKB party." Jade replied, smiling at her friend as she felt her phone buzz in her pocket. She quickly pulled the phone out and stared down at the text she received.

Chad: You know  you're lucky we all love you, people are already partying.

Jade: Then go to the party, you're a big boy.

Chad: Oh, Am I now? 

Jade rolled her eyes as she typed.

Jade: You going to the party or not? We could meet you guys there.

Chad:  Only if that's good with you two, you have your pepper spray with you?

Jade: Ofc, who do you think I am?

The sound of the door opening made Jade fumble her phone as she text.

Jade: Shit there's a costumer, I got to go see you there <3

Jade threw her phone back into her pocket as she smiled up at the costumer. "Hello, how can I help you?"

It was a women with her hair pulled into a tight bun, the bright yellow dress hugged at her body as she awkwardly smiled at the girl. "Oh, hi Jade I didn't know you worked here."

Jade was startled for a moment until she realized that it was Professor Laura Crane, her film studies teacher. "Oh, hi professor I didn't notice you. Can I help you with anything?"

The Professor laughed as she stared out the door, "I just need some coffee please, I'm not completely awake for this date I'm supposed to go on."

"Well I can help." Jade smiled, making her a quick coffee before handing it to her. "Go luck on your date."

Professor Crane laughed, grabbing the cup and handing her a twenty. "Thanks, keep the change." She said, before walking out of the shop with a wave.

Rachel looked up at the clock, "Jade come on, it's like forty minutes till closing. Can we please close?"

Jade sighed, "Fine, but you're dealing with Michelle."

Rachel smiled, "YES!"

Jade and Rachel were quick to clean up as the sounds of their music blasted through the tiny building. They finished closing and were quick to lock the door behind them as they made their way down the sidewalk and towards their shared apartment. Jade stopped for a split second when she could have sworn she heard a scream but she wasn't sure. It was Halloween season so it was no surprise that the sound of noise teens and adults crowding the street was the only thing she could hear at that moment.

"Jade, you good?" Rachel asked, grabbing her friends arm causing Jade to jump a bit. "Woah, you're okay. Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

Jade smiled, "It's okay, let's go."

It's been over a year since the killings back in Woodsboro, yet it still effected Jade. For some odd reason she's been a lot more jumpy than she normal was, she almost pepper sprayed Chad once when he surprised her at work. Though it does make since that an event like that left a big scar on her. No one in their right mind could live normal after almost dying. 

They walked into their apartment and both got into their showers, the warm water hitting her made Jade smile as she put soap into her hair; the shower was quick but it was definitely needed.  She jumped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around herself, she wiped the fog of the mirror as she stared at her own reflection. Jade's hands went to her stomach, where the scars laid on her skin from last year.

She let out a sigh as she quickly dried her hair and slipped on her cowgirl outfit. The long-sleeved flannel shirt stopped right at her wrists on her arms while the main part stopped just an inch below her belly button. The skirt was a bit annoying to put on, but she pulled through and slid it on; the end just reaching her knees.

Chad really wanted to do matching outfits this year, and how could she say no? Jade curled her hair and put on some light makeup before she walked out of her room. Rachel laid on the couch with popcorn in hand as she watched a movie.

"What are you doing?" Jade asked, snatching the popcorn from her friends hand and putting it in the kitchen. "There's food at the party."

"But I was hungry!" Rachel groaned, standing from the couch. The girl was dressed as a witch for the party. Thought it was more like a Harry Potter kind of style wizard than an actual witch costume.

Jade quickly put on socks and her boots before turning to Rachel, "Have you seen my hat?"

Jade paused and smirked when she saw Rachel with the hat, mockingly shooting her finger guns in the air.

"Pew, pew, howdy there... come her often?" Rachel asked, leaning onto the counter with her elbow.

Jade smiled, taking the hat off her friend and putting into on her own head. "Get your own hat."

The two girls laughed the whole way out as their excitement for the party took over them. Jade held her purse close as they walked down the street towards the house that the party was at, once they were there the loud music was the only thing that made Jade sigh a bit.

"Ready?" Rachel asked, extending a hand to Jade.

Jade laughed, taking her friends hand. "Ready."

The two girls walked into the party, like they were ready to conquer the world.

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