Chapter Fifteen: Pointing Fingers

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Jade walked through the crowded halls and she made her way to where the group was supposed to meet up after school. Apparently Sam and Tara got attacked on their way to the police station last night, so Ghostface is really back. Another person who Jade was surprised to return was Kirby Reed. Never in her life did she think she would get to meet Kirby Reed in the flesh, but she may get that chance now... even under these circumstances.

The cord of her earbuds bounced off of her chest as she walked, trying not to hit any of the friend groups or the weird couples making out in the hallway. Her fingers moved to the beat as 'Cruel Summer' played in her ears, the song on full blast so that no one tried to talk to her; yet Jade had a feeling that someone was watching her. She looked up and noticed that a boy around her age was walking right to her. "Hey, Jade right?" he spoke, barely being heard over the music.

Jade awkwardly smiled, taking one of her earbuds out. "Yeah, that's me."

"Great, so we're in the same math class... and I was wondering if you could give me some pointers on the subject we're on? Since you're the top person in our class and all." The boy asked, his hand going to the back of his neck.

"So you want me to... tutor you?" Jade replied, her brow raising slightly.

He laughed, "No, more like a study date. If you're okay with that?"

'Oh that's not good.' Jade thought, trying to think of how to reply. "Like... a date, as in a romantic kind of date?"

"Uh, yeah?" the boy responded, looking at her like she was weird.

"I- I'm not trying to be mean, but I don't even know your name. Also you do know I-"

"Oh it's Carter, Carter Lessner." He cut her off, putting a hand out for her to shake.

Jade awkwardly shook his hand, "Nice to meet you but I'm gonna have to pass on that, since I have-"

"What? I didn't even tell you when it is."

"Listen Carter, I'm sorry but I said no." she started, crossing her arms. "And if you would listen to me instead of cutting me off while I'm trying to speak then you would know that I have a boyfriend. So I will not go on a date with you." Jade finished, walking around him and making her way away from the man. "Goodbye."

He scoffed, turning from her. "What a bitch."

"What did you say?" A familiar voice spoke, making Jade quickly turn to see Rachel marching over to the boy.

'Oh no.'

Jade quickly made her way back, "Rachel it's okay, just drop it."

"No! This guys just called you a bitch." Rachel replied, getting in his face making the boy laugh. "You think it's funny?"

"I think you acting tough is funny." he stated, an expression of amusement on his face. "Listen I don't hit girls."

"Good." Another voice spoke, making the boy go tense a bit. " 'Cause I'm not a girl" Chad smiled, walking up behind the guy.

"Come on guys let's go." Jade ordered, pulling Rachel and Chad away from the attention-seeking boy. "Fighting him isn't worth it, you'd just end up getting expelled ."

"I think it's worth it." Rachel replied, popping a piece of gum in her mouth.

"Agreed." Chad added, grabbing a piece of gum off Rachel.

Jade smiled, wrapping her arms in their's. "My heros."

The three of them all laughed as they walked down the hallways and towards the door that led to the place where they were supposed to all meet up at. Once they got there Jade noticed a very worried Ethan staring back at her, with his leg bouncing up and down once more. She was very nervous after being caught looking at his phone, due to the fact that she doesn't want there to be any awkward tension between the two. "Hey Ethan, can I talk to you for a second?" Jade asked, watching as he quickly turned to look at her.

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