Chapter Nine: Unmasked

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The cold air hit Jade as she walked down the backstairs her thumb presssing the call button. She sighed putting the phone to her ear but stopped half way when she heard a distant ring tone in the distance. Jade pulled the phone away as she slowly moved towards the ringtone. "Chad?" she whispered, not trying to get stabbed again. The ringing stooped, so she quickly looked around before pressing his name again. The distant ring sounded once more as she slowly walked through a field of tall grass, coming to a stop when she stepped on something.

A light screen laid on the floor in the little valley of a backyard, blood covering the screen. Jade picked up Chad's phone and looked around frantically. "Shit Chad where are you?" She breathed out, as she pulled he jacket closer to her body.

Jade continued to walk down the path where she found a shack, the double doors open. Jade peaked her head in and looked around for the boy but she couldn't find him anywhere. When she turned around her eyes landed on something in the distance. Jade walked forward and realized that what she was seeing was Chad laying on the ground not moving. "Chad!' she exclaimed, walking as fast as her crutch and legs could take her. Jade fell down next to him and noticed he was still breath but it was very soft. She got to his level and lifted his head so that he could look at her. "Hey, hey I'm here."


Jade cut him off, "Don't talk, save your breath okay? I'm going to get help."

She went to get up but he groaned, "No.. no."

"J-- Just keep breathing, okay? Don't you dare think about dying on me Chad Meeks-Martin. Do you hear me?" Jade asked, looking at him with a serious look.

Chad's head nodded a bit, causing Jade to smile. "Good, I'll be right-" Jade cut herself off, "I'll be quick." She finished, not wanting to say what she was going to say. Mindy would kill her if she said that out loud. Jade stood up and hurried to grab Mindy's phone from the ground, pressing '911' in the keypad. "Come on... pick up, pick up, pick up. Why aren't they-" Jade cut herself off when she heard the ringing stop, her eyes shot to the phone where she saw that Mindy's phone was now dead. "No, no, no, no!"

"Jaaaaaade." a sinister voice called out, making her look up to see Amber walking towards her. A knife in hand.

Jade looked at Amber with hatred, "It was you, wasn't it? You're the one that attacked me."

Amber laughed, pointing her knife at Jade. "Yup, and I almost got you but Prince Charming over there had to screw it all up! He sure is heads over heels for ya." Amber explained, running quickly towards Jade.

Jade quickly swung her crutch making it connect with Amber's face, sending the girl falling to the ground. "Did you just fucking hit me with your walking stick?"

"It's a crutch bitch!" Jade replied, smacking her once more with the crutch.

Amber groaned, grabbing the crutch and pulling it away from Jade. That caused her to lose balance as she fell to the floor with a painful gasp, her back wound definitely opening back up. Amber crawled onto her but surprisingly Jade was quick to kick the crazy girl off with her good leg. Jade got up but felt the familiar feeling of a blade entering her stomach. She slowly looked up and saw Richie smiling down at her, "There's two of us, remember?"

"You?" Jade asked, but she was silenced when he pushed her off the blade and onto the ground. Amber got onto her once more and smiled back at Richie.

"Thanks babe." She said, before stabbing Jade once more, repeating the stab around five times before she stopped. "That will get you this time." Amber scoffed, kicking Jade in her leg before walking off with Richie, the two of them hurrying back inside for what Jade thought was there final move.

Jade felt numb at this point as she slowly moved her head to Chad who's eyes were still slightly open. They both reached their hands out to try and connect them but they were too far apart. Both Jade and Chad slowly watched each other bleed out on the floor and they couldn't stop it.

Her eyes slowly stared to close as she kept her eyes on Chad. Jade's mind wandered thinking about what was to come. Whether it's on the other side, or another life, hopefully they can be friends again... maybe even something more. All those questions would be answered as her eyes closed, making Jade let out a tired breath while everything goes black.

Yet the sound that brought her back was the sound of sirens, somehow her eyes opened once more to see the sun. She wasn't dead?

"Hey I got two over here!" someone yelled, as the sound of many footsteps approached her. Paramedics swarmed her and Chad, there was multiple voices of people yelling asking if she was okay but her first thought was her friend. Jade slowly looked over and noticed other paramedics working on chad, putting him onto a stretcher. "Miss, are you okay?"

Jade shook her head no.

The paramedic lifted her onto another stretcher as they hurried her to an ambulance once more. Jade slowly turned to see Chad in his own ambulance, his eyes going bright once he noticed that she too was alive, tears left her eyes when she saw him.

Chad gave a thumbs up and pointed behind Jade causing her to turn around, she smiled when she saw that Mindy was okay as well, but she was also taking a trip to the hospital.

Sam and Tara also taking a trip as the little sister stopped a paramedic from shutting the door before he sister could get it.

"Jade?" A voice asked, stepping next to the ambulance.

Jade looked up and saw Sidney Prescott standing over her with a smile, "Man you grew up to be a beautiful, and brave girl... just like your aunt." Sidney smiled before frowning, "I'm so sorry I couldn't help you. You were unconscious when I got here, I found you and the boy... I knew you'd both pull through." The older woman explained, hugging her tight. "I'm so glad you're okay."

Jade smiled, holding onto Sidney tight. "Thank you." she got out.

"For what?" Sidney asked, pulling away with confusion.

Jade coughed a bit before looking at the body bags. "For killing those assholes."

Sidney laughed, "It wasn't just me, but you're welcome. Now I should probably talk to you once you're stable so I'll come visit you at the hospital."

Jade nodded, as she was dragged into the ambulance. The double doors closed as the vehicle drove off from the nightmare of a house. Jade watched the house disappear from her view as she was taken to the hospital. Jade scoffed as she looked away from the window.

'I fucking hate parties.'

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