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I stay in the music room for a while longer just thinking about Sora, I mean I don't like him so why am I so upset that he left, and I can't be gay. I mean like I definitely liked girls before but I think I like Sora....

And there's nothing wrong with being gay, it's just being in a relationship in middle school is kinda cringe, wait what am I say it's not like he likes me and it's not like I like him......

Those last few word's stayed in my mind "I like him"
"I might like him" "I could like him"


Shit I'm late for class!!

I grab my backpack and go to class



When I got to class I saw Sora sitting at his seat, I definitely forgot that I sit next to Sora.

I sit down in my seat and I'm hoping for him to say something, At least for him to say that nothing is awkward between us. But he says "hi"  I mean "hi" is better than nothing.

"Hi" I say

"Are you ok?" Sora says with a worried face.

"Huh?, oh yea I'm fine why do you ask?" I say with a panic voice.

"Calm down, you seem kinda stress and you look kinda pale"

"D-do I?, I haven't gotten time to check myself"

"Yea...are you sure you're ok you sound kinda panicked, do you want me to take you to the nurse?"

"N-no I'm ok I think I just need some fresh air"

"Oh ok.."



As the bell rings I see Jaxx running out the door and being the first one out, he is definitely not ok.

"Wow I've never seen Jaxx act that way towards anyone"

I look up to see Alex talking to me

"What do you mean?"

" Jaxx never acts that way, the last time he acted that way was in the 2nd grade when he liked a girl named Lily, But at the same time you guys just met like yesterday so I highly doubt that, maybe he's just sick"


"Well Sora we better get going we don't want to be late to our next class"

"Yea your right"



At lunch I was hoping that everything would be normal but when I got to the lunch table I saw that Charli and light kept looking at me like if they were dying to tell me a secret, and Jaxx had his head turned around so he wouldn't see me.

"What's up with everyone today!" I said to get everyone's attention

"What do you mean" Levi said confused

"What I mean is that everyone has been acting strange"

"How strange, what do you mean strange?"

"I- it doesn't matter anymore"

I throw away my lunch and get out the lunchroom. I wasn't in the mood for lunch anyways.

I go to the music room and sit at the piano and start playing random notes, for some reason the music room is always empty.

I stopped playing the piano when I hear the door open, I turn around to see charli standing there look kinda worried.

"Sorry to bother you, Jaxx told me that you might be in here"

"It's ok"

"Sora are you ok?"

"Yea I'm fine" I say even if for some random reason I'm just not.

"Are you sure... you can tell me I won't tell anyone"

"Well I don't know if I am, for some reason I feel like it's my fault that Jaxx is feeling upset and acting weird around me"

"Sora I talked to Jaxx earlier today and let's just say that it's not your fault, Jaxx is just feeling upset and confused about something but it's not your fault"

"Well it's nice to know that it's not my fault"

We both chuckle

"Well we still have 20 minutes until class how about you go talk to Jaxx and maybe you two can figure out why you guys both have been acting weird"

"Yea I should probably do that...wait I've been acting weird?!"

"Yea you have like if you were to like Jaxx it would totally be obvious but since you guys met just yesterday I know that not possible"

"Now come on let's go"

"Ok" I say

Those words that charli said that if I were to like Jaxx, I mean she's right we just met yesterday but for some reason it felt like she was right about liking Jaxx. What if I do like Jaxx, maybe that's why I've been acting this way.

I know I'm probably over thinking but what if...

I hear the door's Jaxx

"Well I guess I'll leave you two talk" says charli while leaving.

"What was that about?" Jaxx says with a very confused face.

"Oh it's umm nothing..."

"Oh ok, we'll do you want to play the piano with me I could really learn some of the basics again"

I chuckled "sure"

We meet again {Soraxx story}Where stories live. Discover now