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In the last few weeks me and Sora have been hanging out nonstop and today I'm planning on asking him out to the fall dance, as friends because then it would be weird.

I think I like him...

I walk into school early again, I've been going to school early lately to talk to sora in the morning.

I walk into the music room, it's the place that me and Sora are always at, no one else comes inside this room but me and Sora, sometimes the squad but that's all.

As I walk in I hear that soft melody again, Sora says I'm the only person that has heard it.

Sora notices that I'm in the room.

"Hi" he says


"Do you want to join me on the piano?"

"No I'm ok, umm have you heard about the fall dance happening next week?"

"I heard a bit about it, Stacy has been talking about it all week and all weekend, I think she's planning on asking someone out."

I chuckle

"Well Sora are you planning on asking someone?"

" I don't even know if I'm going to be honest, if I go it's only to be with my sister or to be with my friends. I don't even have a date"

" I don't have a date either, would you like to go with me as friends."




Earlier today Jaxx asked me if I wanted to go to the fall dance with him, I said yes because I wasn't even going to go with anyone.

He made it very obvious that he wanted to "as friends" it made want to laugh because of the way he said it to be honest.

I put my books in my locker and get ready for my next class when I see my sister Stacy walk towards me, Stacy is a year younger than me and she is nothing like me except our looks, a lot of people confuse us and say we are twins but we aren't.

"Hey Sora!"

"Hey Stacy, what's up?"

"umm you know how you and Jaxx have been hanging out a lot"


"Do you know if he's going to the fall dance with anyone?"

I stay there in shock, I knew Stacy wanted to ask someone out but I didn't expect it to be Jaxx.

"Uhh umm... I'm going with him as friends but if you want to ask him out I can just tell him no"

" it fine"

"Stacy seriously I can just say no, it's ok if you like him, I don't like him"

"I think I might just ask him if he wants to hangout outside of school..."

"Oh ok...umm well I have to go to class I'll see you later"

I felt bad, really bad!



I see Sora waiting by the tree where we always wait for the squad, I walk towards him.

"Hi" I say


I was about to say something else when I hear a voice say my name.
I turn around to see who it is and it's Stacy.

"Oh hi Stacy!"

"Hi Jaxx"

Sora notices Alex and light and walks towards them so it's just me and Stacy by the tree.

"What's up?"

"Umm Jaxx I wanted to ask you something"

"What is it?"

"Sora told me that you two are going to the dance together but since I know that Sora probably wouldn't go with anyone else.
I was wondering if you would like to go out...with me, sometime this week like sort of a date"

I stay there in shock trying to process what she just said...she wants to go on a date...with me...I mean wouldn't a date be kinda weird, we are in middle school still...

"A date..?" I say with a face that's probably the face of confusion

"Yea...I mean like it's alright if you don't I totally understand"




Cliffhanger 😈😈😈😈😈 but not for that long, only for like 2 days 😈

Sorry I haven't posted in a while I've been very busy.

What do you guys think Jaxx will say 🤔

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