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Jaxx POV:

Today there was a new kid in my class, his name is Sora. He seems cool and funny but I'm kinda upset that I haven't really got to know him, the only class I have with him is homeroom and I see him at lunch but that's all.

The bell to go home had finally ringed and I decided to go wait by the tree where I usually meet with Alex and our other friends meet. I usually wait for Alex by her locker but today I didn't want to, since she had copied off my math test earlier today.

When I got to the tree I saw that Sora was there, Im guessing Alex had told Sora where we meet since he's our new friend. I saw that he was next to a girl who looks like she's a year younger than Sora. I guess that's his younger sister he told us about at lunch today.

"Oh hey Jaxx"

"Hey Sora"

Oh I forgot, this is my sister Stacy, I talked about earlier.

"Hi Stacy, I'm Jaxx."
(I took out my hand to greet her but all she would do is stare at me but soon she noticed what she was doing and shook my hand, I guess she zoned out)

"Sorry about that, it's nice to meet you Jaxx."

"It's ok"


Sora, Stacy, and Jaxx waited a bit longer by the tree while everyone in the squad got there. When they got there, they started walking home. It didn't take long for everyone to get home they all live around the school and the same neighborhood. Everyone had already gone home except for Sora, Stacy, and Jaxx.

Jaxx wanted to talk to Sora and get to know him better but Sora had already arrived at his house.
Surprisingly, Sora only lived 2 houses away from Jaxx's house.

Before Sora and Jaxx said bye to each other they decided to give each other's phone number so they could get to know each other more outside of school.


Sora's POV:

Today was my first day at school and it wasn't so bad, I thought I wouldn't meet anyone today but I did, and they are really cool. When I was walking with them today after school they invited me to join their squad and I said yes.

Maybe being away from London won't be so bad.

But rn I'm pretty bored and I already finished all my homework which was a lot, I did get Jaxx's phone number so maybe I can text him if he's not busy.



Today 8:09 pm

                           4 HOURS LATER:

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Today 12:09 am

                               Today 12:09 am

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After Jaxx and Sora had their conversation Sora went straight to bed, but in the other hand Jaxx stayed up. He was happy that he got to talk with Sora and he realized that he could be him self around Sora without being judged. He even told Sora stuff that he never told anybody else in the squad.

This could be the start of a very, very close friendship.



I got to school pretty early, which I usually never do because who even wants to go to school. I went to the music room to see if maybe I could find someone in their or maybe I can play the piano or drums.
When I got there I saw Sora playing the piano, he was playing a smooth relaxing rhythm that made me super relaxed, it felt like it was draining all my worries and stress away.

"I didn't know you play" I said

He turned around quickly, I think I scared him to be honest.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you"

"It's ok, I thought no one would be at school around this time" he chuckled

"How long have you been playing?"

"Oh umm since I was 4"

"I've never heard anyone play that song before"

"Oh I made it, it makes me calm."

"Well it sure made me calm"

We both chuckled

"Do you want to play?"

"Sure and for the record I'm not really good so don't expect some amazing"

He smiles " it's ok if you need help I can teach you"

"I would like that a lot"

I sit next to him, he grabs my hands and shows me simple basic steps but for some reason I'm not look at the keys thats he's showing me how to play, I'm looking at him. He smiles as he finishes and we stay there looking at each other.
I feel my cheeks burn up, our hands are still touching. He gets up and does an awkward laugh.

But for some reason I didn't want him to get up, I wanted him to stay next to me.

"Well umm now you know the basics" he says

I look down at my hands and look back at him.

"Yea I guess I do"

"Well umm I'm going to go to look around and put my stuff away before class starts" he says while grabbing his backpack.

I watch as he leaves...

What was that feeling, I never felt it around anyone so how come I'm starting to feel it around Sora.....


Sorry I haven't updated a part since like December 🥲 and yes I'm leaving you guys on sort of a cliffhanger 😈
I will definitely start writing more since I'm starting to have more motivation to do but that's all for rn. Bye 👋

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