one big secret

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The house was filled with wolfs and some human mates. Lora was here too. Rough was at Autums house helping her get ready. Triditions need to be kept, though it took a lot of coaxing on my mothers part to get Lora out of the house so Rough could mark her.

Yeah I know weird right. But my mother says before a member can join the pack,if it is because of a mate reasoning-which in this case it is, the male has to mark his female mate before the acseptence saramony can be held.

I was sitting alone in my mothers-soon to be my-office. The door opened and my mother walked in.

"Oh Davain. I was hoping I would find you before tonight. can we speek?" I stood and bowed my respects. Until I turn 18 and ecsept the role as Alpha I still have to bow my head like every other wolf.

"Of corse. What did you want to talk about?" She went over to her desk and opened a drower. He handed me a file. I opened it and saw a famillar face but a name I didn't know.

"Who's this?" My mother sat on the edge of her desk. Her brown pants russling with the movement. She was wearing a shirt she could easly take off.

"That is Rough's father." I looked at the paper. The name read Ryan Rough; Alpha of New Berry Pack.

"Wait, so Rough's father was an alpha?" She shook her head.

"Thats why other wolfs listen to him so well. He has alpha blood in him." I looked at the other information. His mate was Rachel Rough and he had a daughter Aleace age 7 and a son Rylee Rough age 17. I pointed at the boys name.

"Is that Rough?"


"And his sister?"

"She was killed in the fight. She was too small to defend herself. Though I believe her family tried their best to protect her."

"So your telling me Roughs real name is Rylee Rough and he is sappose to be an alpha right now?" He looked at me and shook her head. I forced the folder shut and stood.

"Why did you appoint him as my Beta then! He's sappose to have his own damn pack for crying out loud!" She stood.

"Don't you yell at me boy! I am still your alpha. And you will still do as I request." I took a deep breath. I looked away out the window and then down at my feet.

"Does he know?"

"Somewhere inside him he knows." I snapped my head back up.

"You haven't-" She held her hand up.

"He needs to remember on his own. I didn't tell him because I know he knows some where inside and he needs to find out for himself. Its for his own good."

"His or yours?" I turned around and was almost out if the room until she spoke up.

"As your alpha you are not allowed to say a word to Rough." I looked over my shoulder.

"Once I am alpha all your secrets you told me me to keep are going to be in my hands. Some of these secrets will be told. I hope you know that." I walked out of her office. I slammed the door.

"Whats up with the anger problems Davian?" Lora said as she walked up to me.

"Oh nothing. Just wishing I had was Rough and Autum had." I sighed. I hated lying to everyone to hide her secrets. One of these days she will be sorry for hiding all that she does.


"Tell me again why she had to leave?" He smiled at me and twerled me into his arms. I laughed as I rested my head against his chest. He kissed the top of my head.

"Because I doubt she would like to watch the marking prosses." I looked up at him and he smiled.

"What?" I asked. I didn't get a reply before his lips met mine for the first time. They were soft and perfect. This was my first kiss and it was more than what I dreamed it would be. I took a deep breath through my nose as I felt him bite at my lip. I opened my mouth and let his tounge fight for dominance. Sometime between him kissing me we found our way on the couch. I pulled away and looked at him. I looked at Rough. I could hear his heart beat. it mached mine. He was straddling me with his hands on either side of my head. He let out an easy sigh as he leaned down and placed his forhead on mine.

"You know, this is going to hurt right?" I looped my arms around his neck and laced my fingers together.

"I know," He kissed me again, but this time more passonatly. My wolf started to pace and my body started to shiver and vibrate in its locked place. I knew he could feel it too. He needed to mark me. He pulled away and butterfly kissed me down my jaw line and to my neck. I could feel him shacking.

"Do it," I almost wispered as his hands held my head and chest. I then felt his teath sink into my warm flesh. I opened my mouth to scream at the pain, but it didn't hurt. I closed my eyes and let the pleasure roll off of my body as my wolf howled as Rough marked me as his mate. Finally, he pulled away and licked my mark, healing the wound just enough to leave the mark. He rubbed his hand across my face and I opened my eyes. His face was full of consern.

"Did it hurt?" I smiled.

"Not too bad." He smiled and leaned in closer.

"I can make you forget that." He leaned in and kissed me gently.

I felt save.

I felt love.

And for the first time sense I set foot in this town I felt safe.

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