possessive much?

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I wake up with a happy feeling. I'm on my side and a strog arm is holding me in place. I sigh. Lora doesn't agree, but until I turn 18 I have to stay here and ever sense last week when Rough marked me he hasn't wanted to be away from me, and to be honnest I kind of wanted him next to me every second of the day. We haven't mated yet. But then again we haven't had a night to ourselves sense...ever!

A nock on the door makes Rough jump.

"Hey you two can I come in?" I sigh.

"Yes." Rough nuzzled into my shoulder and neck. Lora opened the door.

"I have to go out of town today. I hope you guys can behave. Rough remember she's still under 18. And if I find out-"

"Nothing will happen ma'am." he nuzzled his nose back into my neck.

"I'm not holding my breath, but remember I have an alpha as a friend."

"I got it Lora. I wont do anything stupid." She sighed.

"Good bye you two."

"Have a good day." I know I will. I waited till I heard the car start and I guess Rough was too because he pulled himself on top of me. He slowly leaned down and kissed me gently at first. Then the kiss became more passonate as he pressed himself against me. I felt all of him-and I do mean all. I smiled and laughed as he kissed me.

"Sorry," he pulled away. My wolf wimpered, but she was easyer to deal with now that I had my alpha.

"Its okay, I need to take a shower anyway." He sighed and got up on his knees, but he was still over me. I propped myself up on my elbows and gave him a sideways smile.

"I kinda need to get up to take a shower."

"Do you have amy plans today?" I thought for a moment.

"No, why?" He smiled and leaned in close.

"You don't have to take a shower just yet. We could wait a little while..." he trailed off as he leaned in.

By 10:30 we were just laying next to each other. I was cuddled into his chest and he was tracing designs on my back. I sighed and looked up at him.

"I still need to take a shower." He sighed heavily.

"Fine on one condition."

"What?" I had s feeling I was ganna regret this.

"I'm in the bathroom with you." I laughed then stopped when he didn't. I sighed.

"Fine. I still need to get up. So..." He leaned down and gave me one more kiss and got off the bed. I followed and walked to my dresser and grabbed my cloths and grabbed my favorite jeans and a red shirt and a pair of underwear and my black braw. I heard him growl with pleasure at the sight of my cloths. I smiled slyly and waved the braw around.

"Too bad you won't see me in this yet." He quickly rushed to me and wrapped me in his strong arms buringing his face in my sholder. I laughed until I feel his warm hand reach under my shirt. He started kissing me again, and this time on my mark. My body reacted diffrently when he did that. I tried to hold back a moan but when he gently nibbled on my mark I moaned with pleasure and then gasped as he picked me up.

"Rough. I need to take a shower." he growled surprising me.

"Why?" I laughed.

"Because we're going somewhere tonight. Now put me down." I looked into his eyes. They had a pang of hurt. I almost wanted to say no, to let him take me back to bed and have another make out session. But he sighed and set me down. I grabbed the cloths I dropped and headed to the bathroom. I shut the door behind me. He knew my rules. He couldn't see me naked until our wedding night. Which is set for two months after I turn 18. Which is way too far away. I brushed my hair out and then stripped and stepped into the shower. I turned on the water. first cold then it slowly turned hot. I sighed as the door opened.

"Your birthday can't come any sooner babe. Your killing me here." I sighed. Humans would frown apon a 17 year old getting married to a...

"Rough, how old are you?"

"Why does it matter babe?"

"Just curious, thats all." He sighed.

"I'm 25. Or at least thats how old I think I am." Twenty-five! My mate is 7 years older than me. But than again I have seen odder couples. I was in a middle of a thought when the doorbell rang.

"What the- I wonder who that could be. Hold on babe I'll be right back." I quickly finished washing my hair and rinced it off. I heard the door open as I turned off the water and towled off.

"Hello, may I help you?" Rough said sturnly.

"Wow, you must be an alpha. I mean the stature and build. And the athority in your voice is clear. And your-"

"I'm sorry what in the world are you talking about?"

"Oh don't worry your pack secret-" He was cut off and I had finished getting dressed just in time to rush out and see a small, scrawny, and pail face of my human friend Aaron pinned against the wall.

"What is going on here?!"


This small pathetic human knows about us, and about the pack, but how? How does he know.

"What is going on in here?!" I turn around. No, she couldn't of. Why could she want to anyway?

"Do you know him?" She walked closer.

"Yes, but from what I could hear I really hope my ears are failing me. Bring him in the kitchen."She walked away and twisted her hair up and put it in a wet bun and stuck a pen through it so it would stay. I smiled. This was goig to be fun.


"Okay you got two options. Die slowly or die fast. Whats yours?" She thought for a moment.

"Fast. I don't want to suffer. How about you?"

"Slowly. It would be more life to live. And who knows someone may be on their way to save me." Autum laughed.

"Like who exactly?" I wanted to say her. I wanted her to like me more than a friend, but there was someone else. Someone that she is hidding from me. She looks down at her phone and smiled, quickly replying to her message.

"My friends and family would." She looked up with a question.

"what? Oh yeah. We'll definantly try to save your scrawny little butt if you ever get in trouble."

"Who is it?"

"who is who?"

"Who is the guy ur talking to all the time now?" You text him almost every other second."

"It's no one. Now ask a nother question." She wasn't going to let up on the issue.

"Okay, do you believe in mythical creatures?" She froze.

"Like faries and pixi dust?"

"No like werewolves and vampires. You know the silver bullet and wooden stake."

"No. Next question." She and I had a deal we would ask twenty questioms and then we switched who asked and who answered. I got to ask all I wanted.

"If you could change into any creature what would it be?"

"I guess, wolf." One more peice to the puzzle.

. . .

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