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It had been Two hours sense the large pack of 30 some people came, and I was trying to remember all of their names. It wasn't easy.

There was Austin with his black hair and black eyes and his mate River. Then there was bouncy Falisity with her mate calm and misterious Ryan. Eddy and his mate Kara. Luke and Willah. Then there was a set of tripplets. Maya, Adrian and Max. And so many more. Though as I looked through the croud there were only two people that looked to be as old as my parents would be, and they were the alpha and his mate. The rest were either Rylee's age or mine. I didn't understand. Had only the younger generation servived? And if so, how come everyone remembers their past, but Rylee can't remember his?

"You look deep in thought, Luna." I shook my head and looked at Cody. He was a boy about my age and talking with him before the whole group got here was nice.

"Just call me Autum, and I was just trying to remember everyone." He smiled and sat down beside me leaving enough space between us that no one would suspect anything.

"I know a lot of these people. Like Austin. The one with black hair. He was a trouble maker. He never liked Rylee when we were younger."

"Why?" I asked turning to face Cody.

"Oh, Austin had a girl that he liked and Rylee saw it as a challange so he...well he...yeah he was stupid back then. But I guess Austin grew up too. He has his mate and now he has his pack back." Cody looked over to another couple.

"And that there is Qora. She use to be my best friend when we were little little. Then we drifted apart. But her mate found her before the attack and I guess they got away, seeing she had a little three year old clinging to her leg." I smiled as I looked at Qora and her mate. She was a beautiful wolf, and I could tell she was a loving mother. I sighed and looked at the many people in the room. The noise level was high and I was begining to get uncomfortable. I turned to Cody.

"I'm going to head outside. If Rylee is looking for me thell him please." He nodded and smiled as I got up to leave.

It was so much quieter outside. I sighed and went over to the railing and sat on it. I closed my eyes and took in the silence.

"Excuse me miss?" I opened my eyes and looked at three men and three women standing in front of me. Two men looked like each other and the other man was older.

"Yes, can I help you?" I said as I hopped down from the railing and onto the ground in front of them. It was only a short jump, so it didn't hurt.

"Yes we were wondering if you knew where we could find Alpha Davian?" One of the twins said. They had to be twins.

"Thats me. How can I help you?" I looked over my shoulder and at Davian. He stood strong. It was weird to see him look like he wasn't a child anymore. With all the news of Rylees pack comeing here to find him he all of the sudden grew up. I looked back at the group of six. They had their heads bowed in respect.

"We were following a suspission of our past pack leader."

"Of my cousin Rylee Rough." The one girl said. She was the one in her mates arms.

"Rylee is my mate. Come on I'll take you to him." I started to walk up te steps.

"So your our Luna then?" One of the twins asked.

"Thats me I guess." I said as I looked back at them. They hadn't moved.

"Your young." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, I get that a lot. Are you going to come in or are you going to jist stand there?" I asked.

"Who are these guys?" I turned around and smiled. I looked at Rylee as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek.

"Rylee? Is it really you?" Said the girl that questioned my age.

"That would be me. Are you also members of my pack?" He asked it in the kindess most sympathetic way he could.

"You don't remember you?" The other twin asked. The one who had been silent the whole time.

"I'm afraid not. They say if you stay in wolf form too long you start to lose your human side as your wolf takes over." Rylee explained. The one twin that had spoken first took a step forward.

"How long were you a wolf?" He asked with a question unanswered.

"For a long time." Rylee said with a sigh and looked at me. I looked away and blushed.

"I'm Ryder, and this is my mate Toria."

"And I am Ryders twin Eric. This is my mate Rylinn."

"And I'm your cousin Sarah. This is my mate Mark." The three said right in a row. Mark looked stiff as he looked at Rylee, Ryder and Eric were looking down at their feet.

"Well welcome. I know this isn't my pack house, but we welcome you anyway to stay as long as you would like." Rylee offered to them, just like he had offered to every other person who had come.

"With all do respect, we were wondering if we were going to go back home."


"With all do respect, we were wondering if we were going back home." Eric said as he took a step closer.

"What do you mean back home?" I asked as I now felt the need to have Autum closer to me.

"Back where the New Berry Pack lived?" Eric asked.

"I mean to alpha's under one roof isn't-"


"Or good for either pack." The twins finished each others sentencise even.

"That is yet to be decided apon. Come on inside. As of right now Davian is alpha, you will answer to him until I am ready to be alpha." I felt like I needed to sit down. Too many names were running through my head and I needed to calm it down and I needed to rest. The group of six followed us into the house and they quickly found people they knew.

"Whats wrong Rough?" I smiled. Only Autum called me just Rough, and I think I liked it better then my real name. It fit both of our lives.

I looked at all of the people. 47 now stood in the room, not counting Autum, Davian, Rachelle or myself. I was an aplha to a small pack, but a pack never the less.

I needed to have my own pack house.

My own town.

I needed to go back home.

I needed to face my demons of my past.



okay hey everyone. I am planning on making a second book to go with this. The second book will be about what happens after they move back to the New Berry territory. I hope you guys will like it.

Oh yeah. I decided on what I am going to do with the hostory book.

Its titled "Who's the Alpha?" And its all going to be of Rylee's past only.

I'm not going to do many more chapters in this book. Maybe one or two. Get ready!




Love you all! :)

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