How Can I Help?

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Phil had learned so much about the girl in just a matter of hours. All he could do was try and figure out how to help her and that wouldn't be easy. Considering Carson seemed hesitant to talk to him about anything.

Before they left Carson's room he tried to ask the girl

"Hey Carson, please tell me how I can help?"

She sighed slightly.. it was too naive to think that she was done with questions for the day huh?

"Um.. I don't know Phil. I guess Wil kinda makes me freaked out but its okay. Im fine. Honestly I don't think I can be helped."

"Would you like therapy?"

She sighed again

"I guess."

With that settled they walked downstairs to finish breakfast. Technically today was a school day, but Phil was going to offer to keep the kids home to talk. If they wanted they could go to school but that was very unlikely. They walked into the dining room and all three boys were sitting there, nothing seemed to be wrecked which Phil was thankful for. However Tommy looked extremely upset, tears were running down his face and it seemed he was feeling a very strong emotion. The other two boys, Wilbur and Techno, looked guilty. As if they had caused the younger boys tears. Just the thought made Carsons blood boil, she quickly ran over to Tommy and bent down to reach him in the chair.

Reaching her hand up to softly brush his tears away, she didn't fail to notice the flinch from her touch. Phil was quietly questioning the older boys on what happened. Carson lightly grabbed Tommy's hands and started asking him questions.

"Toms? Tommy? Can you look at me buddy?"

The boy hesitated before lifting his face up for Carson to see. There was a red outline forming on his cheek, the size of a handprint. Carson was absolutely furious from seeing this, but she didn't want Tommy thinking she was mad at him so she kept a cool face and continued talking to him. Once again not failing to notice the conversation from the other three progressively growing louder

"Hey bud? What happened Toms?"

Tommy shook his head, clearly scared, or maybe just unwilling, to talk about it.

"You know how you asked me to try and be nice to Phil? Well i did, I told him some stuff no one knew about me. And it was super scary but i feel alot better now. Will you please tell me Tommy? It might make you feel a little better."

After a moment of thought Tommy nodded taking a deep breath to speak before spewing the words out almost to fast to hear, but Carson still understood.

"We were arguing because they were being mean about you and i told them to stop and then Wil hit me."

He took a breath, murmuring one last thing.

"But he said sorry."

Carson was about to speak when the conversation on the other side of the table became yelling. Of course this was causing plenty flashbacks for Carson, but right now she needed to protect Tommy.

She softly spoke to the blonde haired boy

"Go to the living room, i'll be there soon okay?"

Carson then walked over to the three boys. Pushing in between Wilbur and Phil, who had been previously screaming at each other.

"Shut up!"

The girl yelled, over all the boys. Making the kitchen fall into silence before someone went to talk.

"Carson w-"

"No I said shut up!"

She backed up so she was closer to Phil, obviously shaken from being so close to someone who looks so similar to her abuser.

"Are you three stupid or something? Thats a fucking child William! You hit a kid! Because he told you its immature to talk shit? You know what, have as much beef with me as you want but don't let it ruin you and your little brothers relationship you stupid pig."

She walked back up to Wil and smacked him very hard across the face, muttering one last thing that went unheard before turning to face Techno.

"You're honestly no better. You defended a child abuser! You both act like you were raised how I was. If i was in your shoes? As lucky as you were from the beginning? I wouldn't be hitting a child i'll tell you that much. Go apologize to him now, a real one, and you better hope he forgives you."

The two boys looked very upset but quickly turned towards the living room and walked off. Carson turned around, she was shaking. She wanted a hug. No. She wanted a warm blanket. No. She wanted..

Carson didn't know what she wanted.

I feel like i've lost years i haven't lived-September Where stories live. Discover now