Slumber Party!

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Tommy and Tubbo were trying to smack each other with sticky marshmallow goop while Ranboo just laughed and watched.

Techno and Phil sat on the bench they had by the fire pit and talked about what was going to happen when Carson went back to school tomorrow.

Schlatt and Wilbur were trying to push each other into the pool, however it looked more like the two were playing tag.

Fundy and Niki were sitting with sticks poking the fire, talking about the plans they have for the rest of their UK trip.

Carson and Sam were on the swing completely silent. Carson was just looking into the fire as it burned while Sam sat next to her, waiting until she was either ready to talk or ready to go mess around with the others. But knowing better then to leave her alone right now. Even if the two sat in silence the rest of the day and the whole night, Sam would be here the entire time.

"Schlatt no!"

All of a sudden Wilbur screamed and a splash was heard. When Carson drew her eyes away from the fire she saw a very soaked Wilbur and everyone else laughing. Next thing she knew Tubbo was also screaming and laughing as Ranboo picked him up and threw him in the pool right next to Wilbur.

It only took a few minutes for most of the group to be in the pool. Leaving just Sam and Carson by the fire. The girl looked at the brown haired man next to her, didn't he want to play in the pool with them? It wasn't like everyone was in the pool, Techno and Phil were still on dry land they had just moved closer to the pool so Carson figured maybe he'd just talk to them. Either way, sitting on a bench in silence when all your friends are playing around isn't fun.

"Do you wanna go in the pool with them?"

Sam just shook his head

"No, im okay sitting with you. Unless you'd like me to leave?"

"No, no, its just.. they're your friends. And i should probably go talk to dad anyway, so if you want to get in the pool its alright."

"Can i walk you over to Phil first? I'd rather make sure you're safe."

Carson laughed slightly

"You are actually just like him."

Sam looked at her very confused


Carson laughed again, a bit louder this time.

"Your dad."

"How do you know who my dad is?"

"I saw her in the car? Also his office door says his last name. I don't assume its a coincidence you and Eret have the same last name and work at the same clinic."

Sam sighed jokingly

"You are very observant. It normally takes people a while to figure that out."

"Has Phil yet?"

"I actually don't know. I mean he knows him obviously, but he's never come over or anything. But he does know our last names are the same so maybe he does."

The two looked over towards the pool briefly and bursted out laughing at the scene in front of them

Schlatt was trying to pull Wilbur under water while Wilbur was holding on to the edge of the pool, fake screaming.

"You want to join them or?"

Sam shook his head before looking at the girl

"Let me walk you to Phil first."

Carson laughed and stood up, walking over to Phil with Sam trailing slightly behind her. She could feel his presence, this is how school would be from now on. Carson hated it honestly. She could only imagine how it was going to work when she inevitably gets angry at school. Then Sam would meet the bad side of Carson. The part of herself she hated most.

I feel like i've lost years i haven't lived-September Where stories live. Discover now