Long Story, Cut Short

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Carson stood up and walked to the opposite side of the room. Then swiftly left, she was hoping that no one would notice she left. However much to her dismay Techno noticed and followed her to her room.

"Hey Carson."

He spoke quietly as to not disturb the three in the living room. Carson spun around very quickly, obviously shocked at the person following her.

"Hey Tech. Whats up?"

"Uh I just wanted to say thanks. Wil got pissed off because he felt like you were stealing Tommy from him or some stupid shit. I defended him.. which was also stupid."

"Mhmm. I know it was. No need to thank me though. Tom's needs y'all. He shouldn't lose his brothers over me."

Carson walked into her room, opening the door slightly to invite Techno in. Once he walked in she flipped on the light and left the door half open before sitting on her bed. When she finally looked over at him, the boy had sat at her desk.

"He's not losing us and you aren't taking him. Wil's just immature as hell and Im stupidly protective of him."

"I know, either way, Tommy speaks really highly of you guys."

Techno raised an eyebrow at this

"Really now? He speaks pretty fondly of you too."

Carson laughed and looked at him somewhat confused.

"What does he say about me?"

"Ill only tell you if you tell me what he says about us."

"Deal. So what's he say?"

"At the table he was talking about how nice you were. I said you didnt seem nice and he got angry at me. Kept saying you were really awesome, that you were just struggling, that you were funny and calmed him down when he had a nightmare- Thank you for that by the way- He just kept saying how sweet you were once you got to know you."

Carson looked at Techno a little funnily.

"Im not nice. I will hit you if you get too close so be warned."

The two of them laughed, Carson quickly started saying what Tommy said about the twins

"He says that you're both awesome. Said you always treated him like family even though he's adopted. Continuously told me i should trust you guys, or atleast be nicer to you."

Techno nodded his head, choosing his next words very carefully.

"So.. why don't you trust us?"

Carson sighed

"Its a really really long story Tech."

"We got time."

She laughed slightly

"I guess that is true."


"I don't know why i don't trust you. Don't trust Wil because he looks like someone i used to know."

"Very long story cut short?"


I feel like i've lost years i haven't lived-September Where stories live. Discover now