Battle scars- luke

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You have always hated yourself, you never felt like you were worth it. Despite having a loving boyfriend you just never loved yourself. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that you were beaten when you were a child, so you just always thought that's how everyone felt. Ever since then you have always just felt lost, broken and defeated. Everyone just pushed you aside and never really noticed you.

Your boyfriend, Luke, has always made you feel special, when You're stuck on the ground he taught you how to spread your wings and fly. He taught you that playing make-believe is okay sometimes when you need an escape. He makes you feel alive...he reminds you that life is worth living. He was always there to carry you home, he has shown you that you are not alone.

You've just gotta keep marching on and don't give up even when you've had enough. Stick to your guns and never let anyone tell you otherwise. Luke would always tell you "you're worth fighting for, we've all got battle scars, babe" and that would instantly brighten your day. He always called you his little soldier and he would say "keep your head up little soldier. Can't let people see you down. You're a fighter." He has shown you that better days are near and hope is so much stronger than fear. You can light up the dark with the fire in your heart, you just have to believe in yourself.

Luke taught you that it's okay to be who you are, we all have battle scars but you can't let them keep you down. You need to march on! Don't let anyone knock you off of your feet! He taught you to fight your fears and love yourself no matter what.

This song is everything. Sadly I ruined it with a shitty one shot.

5sos one-shots and preferencesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin