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you didn't normally have nightmares but ever since you and Luke started dating you've started having them more frequently. You awoke from your sleep at four in the morning again for what felt like the one hundredth time this week. You sighed and sat there sweaty and confused and you heard your cell phone ring, it was Luke. He was on tour right now and you were missing him so much so you'd talk to him as much as you could. You answered the phone to hear a small "hi" on the other end "hey" you replied "did I wake you or were you having a nightmare too?" He asked in a groggily voice "you had a nightmare too?" He sighed and replied slowly "yeah." He sounded so broken "do you want to talk about it?" You asked and he whispered "I don't know." Your eyebrows furrowed "Luke, are you crying?" You asked cautiously "yes" he squeaked out followed by a small sob " about your nightmare" you said quietly while trying to hold back tears. "I miss you so much. I dream't that you got taken away from me. I screamed your name over and over and you couldn't hear me a-and they...they wouldn't stop, they took you away from me." He said while sobbing a little louder. "Oh Luke, I'm not going anywhere. I'll be here forever and always. No one is going to take me away. I'll be here for you when you get back from tour." You said sweetly, trying to get him to calm down. He sniffled and spoke "do you want to talk about your nightmare?" He asked and you smiled at his concern "it was exactly like yours. You left and never came back." You spoke your worst fear out loud "I'm not going anywhere either." He whispered "I love you, baby. Now get some sleep." You whispered "I love you too. I'll talk to you tomorrow." He said before hanging up and you finally slept peacefully.

You were on wattpad reading fan fictions before bed when Ashton shot up from his sleep. He was breathing heavily and he was coated in a sheer layer of sweat. He looked around in a panic and his eyes finally rested on you sitting in the chair with your iPad in your hand. His eyes softened and he wasn't as tense as he was before. "Are you okay? Did you have a night terror?" You asked and he nodded cautiously "wanna talk about it?" He shook his head "okay well I'm going to go get you a glass of water and then we're going to cuddle until you fall asleep again." You said while smiling and he gave you a small smile and nodded again. Once you came back with a glass of water and handed it to Ashton you sat on the bed. He took a drink and set it on the night stand next to him "how did I get so lucky?" He asked and you shrugged "who knows?" You replied and he pulled you into his chest and you two cuddled and spoke about random things "how do you think stars are made?" He asked and you looked up at him "I'm not a scientist." You said like a smart ass and you saw a small smile display on his face "who do you think they were made for?" He asked curiously and you furrowed your eyebrows "what do you mean?" He yawned and then answered "well I mean...I believe that stars were made for someone, maybe they were made for each person on this planet or maybe they were all made for a lover." And you thought about this before answering, this boy always got you thinking. "I think that a star for every person is more logical, because stars blow up and so do people. When people die I think their star dies with them, or when a baby is born a new star is born. But I also believe the other theory, but only because it's the more beautiful approach. Maybe someone gave their lover all of the stars in the sky. Every star in the sky shines for them and only them. It's a beautiful concept." You finally finished and he yawned again "you're so smart. In my mind all of these stars belong to you, from me to you." He said and you smiled "I love you." He mumbled back "I love you too" and you smiled and cuddled into him and he held you tight through the night.

You had terrible night terrors every night. Everyone knew this, but no one knew how bad it really was, except your boyfriend Calum. "I don't want to go to sleep, I'm not even tired" you said in a fake cheery voice to make it seem like you were wide awake when in reality you felt like collapsing. "I don't believe you, just go to sleep...please? For me? I'll be right here." He said getting sorta agitated. "Fine, but you'll wake me up if I have a night terror right?" You asked and he nodded right away. You got into bed and sorta just lied there staring at the ceiling "close your eyes baby girl" Calum whispered to you softly as your eyes started to feel heavy. What felt like 5 minutes later, you were having a night terror. You were moving around and whispering things in your sleep and Calum noticed this. He immediately woke you up, "baby girl, wake up." He said in a normal voice, not yelling or whispering just a calm tone. You didn't wake up so he shook you a little "babe, wake up." He said in that same calm voice and your eyes shot open. "You sat up slowly and let out a breath. "How long was I asleep for?" You asked curiously he looked at the digital clock on your side table "almost and hour" he said in a groggily voice "I'm sorry." You whispered "it's okay, but we need to get you to see someone about this." He said while pulling you into his chest "why does this happen to me?" You asked and he stroked your hair and said "I don't know, but we're going to fix it." He whispered

"(Y/N)...n0...please...come back!" You heard Michael say in his sleep and you instantly woke up. He just go back from tour and this is new to you.  You've never seen Michael have a nightmare before. You kind of panicked and shook him awake "Mikey!" You said sort of loudly and he shot awake and his eyes looked big, like he was scared. He looked at you and hugged you "I love you, please don't ever leave me" he said while sniffling. He was crying. Michael hardly cries so you were really worried "Michael? How long have you been having nightmares like this?" You asked curiously he pulled away from your embrace "the whole tour." He sobbed out "oh Mikey...why didn't you tell me?" You asked sadly and he shook his head "I didn't want you to worry about me...I'm sorry" He said guiltily "it's alright baby, but you've gotta tell me these things, I don't want you feeling this way. You should know that I'd never leave you." You said softly. "I love you so much." He whispered and you smiled and wiped his tears and kissed his cheek "I love you too, dummy. Don't ever scare me like this again." You said with a shaky laugh and he pulled you into his arms and you inhaled deeply and exhaled shakily while Michael kissed the top of your head. "I love you, Mikey." You said before you left a kiss on his chest where is heart is. "I'm glad I have you." He whispered and You fell asleep smiling.

2016 Brooklyn: I was having really bad nightmares at the time when I wrote this.

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