Abuse- drug abuse (calum)

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Calum loved Drugs. There was some sort of obsession. He was completely addicted. He liked all kinds of drugs but there are a few that he will never do. Meth and Heroin. He refuses to touch either of those, they're too strong for him. he's more of a party drug kind of guy. Weed, Cocaine, LSD, Shrooms, Acid, etc... You on the other hand disapproved of his drug addiction. You find drugs hidden all around his apartment every time you visit. "Really Calum? Another bag of cocaine? This is the third one I've found since I've been here!" You exclaimed and he shrugged "I'm just holding it...for a friend." He lied and you shook your head in disapproval "you can't keep doing this, cal! What happens when you overdose and I can't call the police because you have so many damn illegal drugs? What then?" You said angrily and he shrugged again "I don't know (Y/N)! Just let it kill me! It's my fate! Drugs are bound to kill me!" He yelled and you frowned and put your head in your hands in frustration "you're crazy! You're basically killing yourself!" You screamed and he got up to storm out "what? You're going to run away from your problems now?!" You yelled and he spun around "the drugs take me away to an enchanted place called "away from you"! They make me happy unlike you! You just bring me down and make me stressed!" He yelled and you stood up "well I'm sorry I'm not what you want! I'm sorry I'm a piece of shit girlfriend! No, actually I'm just sorry you're an asshole!" You said before leaving Calum's shitty drugged up apartment. You don't regret anything that you just said, you mean't every bit of it. You couldn't take it away even if you wanted to anyway. You could tell that Calum knew you were right because you could hear him sobbing. You just shook your head and left. The next morning you heard someone banging on your door, you checked the time and reluctantly got up to see who was at your door at this time in the morning. You open the door to see a sobbing Calum "what the hell? What are you doing here at 6 AM?" You asked confused and a little angry, "help me..." He trailed off as he dropped to his knees in front of you and grabbed onto your shirt and in a pleading tone he continued "help me stop this...this addiction." He cried and you pulled him up and into your apartment and closed the door. "Go sit on the couch and I'll make you a cup of tea and then we can discuss this." You said and he nodded and complied to your orders. You sighed when you came back to see the broken boy with his head in his hands still sobbing "Calum, I need to to stop crying now so we can talk about this." You said in a soft voice. He took a few deep breaths before speaking, "I don't want to die before I'm old and I don't want to lose you...I want you to fix me, I need you to fix me. You made me think twice about my decisions in life." He finished with a crack in his voice "I'll help you...but you need to cooperate with me, you need to try to help yourself." You said in a serious tone. Calum nodded "yeah, okay...whatever you need me to do I'll do it." He said and you smiled "baby steps...first, get rid of the weed and we will work our way up to the more addictive drugs." You said. He nodded and smiled "thank you." You smiled "don't thank me yet...we've got work to do."

I think this is the last one that I wrote...this was supposed to be an abuse series. I will continue to write more one shots but it might take a while to update things due to lack of creativity. Bye bye for now my little penguins 🐧🐧🐧 (it's been so long since I've typed that)

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