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Luke- photography
You had a passion for photography, you absolutely loved taking pictures of random things, you liked how beautiful they looked, whether it was graffiti on a wall or a picture of the sunset, you loved how tumblr it looked. You also liked taking pictures of your boyfriend, Luke, let's face it, he's friggin gorgeous, he could literally be a model. So one day you dragged Luke to the park with you to take pictures of him on the playground. You loved how genuine his smile looked in each photo. He looked like a little kid when he was swinging and laughing at how high he was going. After a while of playing, he was now laying on the grass with his eyes closed, his hands behind his head and his feet crossed over each other, he looked so calm and relaxed so you snapped a picture, he opened one eye and looked at you smiled "I love you, ya know?" You laid down next to him, in the same position he was in "I love you too, you're my everything." you said in a relaxed tone. He flipped over on top of you and kissed your nose and whispered "I will always love you, and I will always be here when you need a model" he giggled at the last part and you smiled and leaned up and kissed him and whispered "wouldn't have it any other way"

Ashton- drawing
Ever since you were little, you loved to draw, you would draw anything you saw, you would make up stories in your head about each drawing, you would always tell your boyfriend, Ashton, these random stories while drawing, you were in a meadow near your house when ash found you sitting by a tree drawing, he would always find you drawing the same little bird and he was curious as to why, "(Y/N)? Why do you always draw the same bird?" He asked, your response was simple, "I love the story it tells" he sat down next to you in the grass, "can you tell me the story?" He asked quietly, you nod and begin the story "once upon a time, there was a little oriole named firebird, and firebird just lived for the sunshine. He would bask in that glow for hours, but when the rain would come, he would complain to his mama. He wanted to know why god gave the storms power to take away the sun. And his mama would just smile and say, 'you'll know someday, when you take a walk on the clouds', now, over and over again, the rains would come, and over and over again little firebird would complain to his mama. Until one day a huge storm rolled in and his mama had a different answer. She said 'it's up there waiting for you, you just have to see it for yourself' now, little firebird was scared, he hadn't used his wings much at all, yet he went up into the great unknown, but instead of answers, he was met with lightning and thunder and a howling wind, he feared it would rip him apart. he was about to turn back, when it happened, he broke through the clouds, and there it was, more beautiful than ever, and then in that moment it all became clear. No storm could take the sun away, the sun was always shining, it was as constant as his mothers love, he just needed to take a walk to the clouds." You finished your story and Ashton was sitting there in awe "that was beautiful, so that's what goes on in your head when you're drawing?" You nodded and smiled "that's why I love it so much" he smiled and leaned in and kissed your forehead "I understand it now" he whispered and you smiled.

Calum- sculpting
You think messing around with clay is so much fun, you like to get messy, and you like the random figures you could make, it was a very abstract thing and it helped you relive your stress, especially when Calum would join you in the studio, you were making a clay pot and you were molding and shaping it and Calum decided it would be fun to help you, he sat behind you and started to help you mold your clay pot, as he was doing this he was trailing little kisses down your neck, and you giggled, "cal, stop" you said while giggling, he brought his hand up to your nose and wiped clay on your nose, you gasped "you did not just do that!" You said loudly and giggled, he got up and ran out of your studio, "I'm going to get you back for that, hood!" You got up and ran for him and you had a messy clay fight, which resulted in you to having a relaxing bath together.

Michael- painting
Painting is all you do anymore, it's not just a hobby, it's become a lifestyle, and Michael enjoys it too, "Mikey, Babe can you come here for a sec?" You yell through the house, and he comes running into your art studio, "yeah?" He says with a questioning look, "can I try something on you?" You ask with a pleading look and he's hesitant at first but then he soon agrees, "okay well I need you to take off your shirt and lay on the ground, he immediately responds by doing what you told him to "I like where this is headed" he says with a small chuckle, you smile and grab your paint, you dip your fingers into the different assorted colors and start to paint on your boyfriends bare torso, "it's cold, and it tickles" he says and you giggle, you then take off your shirt and bra and you can hear Michael's breath hitch. You smile at him and continue painting on him and he reaches over and dips his fingers in the red paint and starts to draw lines from your belly button to your boobs and you slap his hand, "you can paint me when I'm done with you, but for now no touching" you lean down and whisper in his ear. "You're such a tease" You hear him whine as you straddle his waist and grind down onto his growing hard-on as you continue abstractly drawing on him, "screw this" Michael mumbles and he grabs your hips and flips you over and attaches his lips to your neck, you can imagine what happens next.

Ashton's is actually based off of a book/movie, the book is called "firebird" and the movie is called "unconditional", and Calum's was sorta based off of the movie "ghosts", I've never seen that movie so I wouldn't know how it actually went...but the others came from my imagination, especially Mikey's 😉 okay well ttyl my little penguins 🐧🐧🐧

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