Dont take the girl

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Michaels POV

"Daddy can you tell me about mommy again?" My son said. Then I began to tell the story.

When I was 8 years old my daddy took me on a fishing trip, and I saw the prettiest girl walk through the gate holding a fishing pole. I was constantly gazing at her and my dad looked down and smiled at me and I said "daddy! We can't leave her behind!" And he told me "son, I know you don't want to her to go but someday you'll change your mind." And I cried out "take Luke Hemmings, take Ashton Irwin, take my best friend Calum hood. Take anybody that you want as long as she don't go, take any boy in the world but daddy please don't take the girl!"

Ten years later, we were 18 and I held her tight and kissed her lips at the movies. She was my everything so I tried to give her the world. After the show we went to walk back to the car, a stranger came and pulled a gun out and grabbed her by the arm and said "if you do what I tell you to, there won't be any harm" and I pleaded "take my money, take my wallet, take my credit cards, here's the watch my grandpa gave me, here's the keys to my car, just please don't take the girl."

Five years after that, we were 23, she was 9 months pregnant with you, she yelled "it's time to go" once she had you I was so happy until the doctor came out and told me "the baby's fine but you'll have to leave cause his momma's fading fast" and I fell to my knees and prayed, "take the very breath you gave me, take the heart from my chest, I'll gladly take her place if you'll let me, make this my last request, take me out of this world God, just please don't take the girl" I cried

"And that's the story of our epic love story, she was a wonderful woman, son. you would have absolutely loved her." I told my son, he smiled at me and hugged me "thank you daddy" he said. All I need his him and her in my heart.

2016 Brooklyn: this song got me caught up in my feelings and shit

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