Chapter 10

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I was walking through the local grocery store with my mom, I was leaning against the cart, pushing it, as she led me through the aisles.

"So, why are we going shopping this early... no one's here?" I asked yawning as I walked.

"Because, than you can spend the rest of the day doing whatever you want... besides, thought it would be better than at night," she sighed.

She left me at the frozen section to go get something she had forgotten in another aisle.

But as I waited, I saw out of the corner of my eye a man that looked really familiar... I just could not place him, so I quickly left the cart and started walking, he was following me...

I mentally swore and started to look for my mom, while trying to seem oblivious to my stalker.

When I turned down and aisle and headed back to the cart, hoping my mom would be there, when I turned the corner a pair of arms grabbed me roughly, shoving a rag over my mouth and nose... sending me into a world of nothing....

I felt like I was hungover... or what I guessed felt like being hungover... my eyes were heavy, and I felt like my head was filled with cotton balls.

"Hey, she's awake," a male voice said.

"Perfect... put her with the other one." another voice said... it was Drake... I knew it.

Soon, I was fully awake in a dark tent, nearby on the ground just like me was a girl tied to another pole, except she wasn't breathing... and the blood stains and blue lips that matched the black and blue bruises told me all I needed to know... she was dead.

"At least he has good taste," Drake said, as he stepped into the tent. His dark eyes bore into me and I glared up at him.

He looked like some wanna be cowboy with the jean and flannel... minus the boots. He wore a baseball hat and hiking boots.

"What is it with the men in this town and their flannel?... quite the redneck-lumber jacks..." he scoffed noticing me looking at his clothes.

"He's going to burn you alive, when he finds out." I hissed; Drake looked at me smiled.

"Good," he laughed as he moved closer, before grabbing my face roughly, "I wanna see his face when he finds your body in a ditch, bruises and bloodied, just like that one." He said pointing to the dead girl.

"You think killing me will make him give up? It won't... it'll just kill the man, leaving the beast... and even your worst fears would be nothing compared to that... he'll destroy everything you've cared about, people or places... he'd never stop till you were dead at his feet." I snarled.

"You think I haven't seen your mate lose control before?... His brother caused him to nearly loose it... nearly hurt you... and you were just his child-mate. Barley two years old and his dear brother thought you were just the cutest thing ever... but I guess you know how this works?... two dogs, one toy... doesn't end well." He sneered.

I looked at him, coldly, before spitting right in his face, he growled and punched me square in the face before punching me across the face. He stood up right when Natalie walked into the tent.

"Hey, Nat, got ya a present!" Drake said flatly, before turning towards her.

"I love it! Was it pricey?" she asked him, smiling.

"No, no one was killed." Drake sighed. Natalie frowned.

"Too bad... hoped at least dear mommy would go to doggy heaven." She pouted, before shrugging it off and walking over to me and stole the pocketknife in Drake's jeans front pocket.

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