Chapter 8

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  About two days later, I was outside on the porch swing when a pair of glowing greenish white eyes appeared.

I stood up and went onto the gravel driveway. A brown wolf with white streaks on it walked out onto the gravel.

Then a large dark grey wolf walked up next to the wolf.

The brown one, a female, growled a warning at me. But the grey one nipped at her. I saw more wolves appear behind the two.

When I felt, fur brush my hand, I jumped, but then I grabbed a hand full and heard a soft growling next to me.

"Jason, what do I do?" I whispered.

Jason just stepped towards the two wolves that seemed to be the alphas.

The brown female bowed her head a bit to Jason, but she had a look of suspicion when she looked at me.

The grey wolf and Jason had the same look in their eyes, power, and respect.

My wolf side kept trying to get me to walk over to them and stand next to Jason, but I felt nervous. But of course, she did not care. My wolf side forced me over to them. I mentally scolded my wolf side.

Right then, both Jason and the grey wolf shifted, I looked at Jason then at... Coal.

"Coal, this is my mate, Clare." Jason said watching Coal, as if waiting for the guy, who looked like a surfer to flirt with me or something.

Coal smiled at me as his pack all shifted.

The brown wolf shifted into a tall, beautiful girl.

"She didn't shift." The girl said coldly.

"Sophie, please." Coal said.

"She either isn't a wolf, or she thinks she's better than us." Sophie muttered.

Jason looked at the girl and raised an eyebrow.

"I don't think that." I said, standing up straight and I let my wolf side show a bit.

I knew my eyes changed and stayed that way for a few minutes.

"Your eyes." the girl gasped.

"What?" I asked.

"Normally, wolves have two different colors, not two different shades of the same color." Coal explained then looked at Jason. "Is she?" he asked.

"Yes, Clare is the pureblood." Jason sighed.

"She's the reason we're here?! She hasn't even shifted yet!" a young boy whinnied.

"Quiet! Or have you forgotten your place? Jason is the most powerful alpha male, now, that means even I submit to him. And that goes for his mate, too, she is his equal and if I hear anything of any one of you disrespecting either of them, there will be punishments." Coal snarled at his pack.

I knew he had a lot of new wolves if he had to be like that in front of me and Jason. I, also, knew 'my' pack was behind me because Skylar and Luke were standing nearby.

Jason, me, and Coal, along with Sophie and his betas went into the library.

Coal's beta pair looked young, the girl looked like a twenty-year-old and the boy looked like he was twenty-one, I guessed.

"This is Ruby and Frank Ehen." Coal said, "they're from the first world war,"

"One of my wolves is from that time as well, Kate Wellington." Jason explained.

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