Chapter 13

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I woke up, to Jason's arm draped over my stomach, he was still asleep. Getting up was harder than normal, because now I had to move, without waking up Jason, who I truly did not know if he was asleep or faking it just to scare me.

"I'm awake, you know." He said, I froze. He smirked and sat up.

"You're a jerk."

"I'm not, you just haven't been in a war, before, you learn quick to be a light sleeper." He said, getting up.

"And that is why, I'll never join the military, I need my freaking sleep." I said.

"You wouldn't be able to join, because you look sixteen and besides, you're going to be an alpha, which means you wouldn't be able to leave your pack." He pointed out.

"Stop being so... whatever you call that," I grumbled.

Soon, I was wandering around outside with Meagan walking silently beside me.

"Why are you so tense?" I asked her.

"You almost died... again, this is the second time, Clare, I'm not letting you go anywhere without someone else being with you, which I self-nominated myself... so suck it up!" she said sternly.

I just shook my head and kept walking, it was not that surprising of Meagan to act like this, she was protective of her family.

"So... How is it going with, ya know... my brother?" she asked randomly, I looked over at her as we walked around the field, heading towards the lake. She looked at me expectedly.

"Fine... why do you ask?"

"Oh. No reason... just uh, curious about my brother and my best friend... you guys are like the 'it' couple, around here... so, no new news I should know of?" she pressed.

"Meagan, Jason and I just are focused on figuring out how to stop this war from wiping out our pack," I told her, she nodded, I saw the faintest look of disappointment cross her face.

"You ok?" I asked her. She looked at me and smiled before punching me in the arm.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" she smirked, I just nodded confused by her sudden mood change.

"Just thought since I'm like your BFF! You'd tell me the juicy details... eh?" she joked, I looked at her.

"That's your brother, you do realize, right?" I said.

"Yeah, well, you don't need to refer him as that, just him or he... there is a thing called discretion." She said.

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