Chapter 22

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I walked out of the tree line, towards the awaiting pack, Drake and Natalie stood at the front of their packs, I knew that today was going to be the bloodiest and most painful day of my life... worse than being beaten by Natalie.

'On my word,' I said through the link, as I watched the trees on either side of the two packs before us.

The second I saw the shadows being disturbed, I lowered my head and looked right at Natalie.

I started moving towards her, Meagan was at my side and so was Skylar.

Skylar peeled off heading right at a grey and brown spotted male, while Meagan lunged for someone.

But my eyes were glued on Natalie.

She was mine to kill.

All too soon, I saw the pure black body of Jason, he and Drake seemed to not notice anyone else, in a matter of seconds, the two collided, I was desperate to help Jason. But I knew it was his fight, which still did not mean I had that painful gut feeling about leaving to find Natalie.

But I did not have to look for long, cause she found me.

Her teeth were red and behind her on the ground was a red stained grey pelt... my heart dropped when I saw the black markings on the muzzle.

Ethan... I had only spoke to him once, it seemed like eons ago. When Meagan had been training him in the field.

My eyes snapped back at Natalie, who suddenly, turned and dove into the thicker part of the fight, I lost sight of Natalie in the ocean of fur and teeth.

My head snapped up when I saw a familiar blur of brown.


He threw himself at Hanna, whom was on top of Meagan, pulling her head back just like a snake before striking.

Hanna and Nick went rolling, Meagan slowly got up, but shook herself, before rushing to help Nick.

One second, I was standing, watching in shock as my friends fight, then the next, I was on the ground, with Natalie lunging for my throat.

I dove out of the way and jumped on her, sending us both out of the field.

In a matter of seconds, pain shot up through my side as she lost it and just did whatever she could to inflict pain for me.

I leapt backwards off her and kept my back away from her as I watched her watch me.

We moved in a circle, waiting for the other to be the first to attack.

It was her turn.

She lunged but did not got for my throat... she went for my back.

I shifted back to my normal self from the pain lacing through my back as if fire were burning through my veins instead of blood.

I cried out in agony as my spine slowly tried to heal, but it was not helping that, I was trying to hold off a very angry and clearly deranged she-wolf.

"Get... off... me!" I hissed, before bringing my elbow up by my head and bringing it as hard as I could down on her forehead, causing her to stumble backwards.

I scrambled to my knees and twisted my back painfully, till the sound of bones being broken back into place seeming to rang through my body.

I gasped in pain as I slowly looked back at Natalie, she looked up at me, her left eye was red from where my elbow must have hit it.

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