Chapter 1

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     It was 6:31 when Jason and I entered my room. Sure, going out for pizza and soda probably did not qualify as a 'perfect' first date, but hey, that is what I like. Besides, he was perfectly ok with it. (See, it was not perfect, yet he was perfectly ok with it... eh?... no? ok, never mind...)

Anyways... my parents were at some meeting, while I was at home with a guy... sounds like a scandal, I know (cue the sarcastic eyerolling).

"So, you're homeschooled?" Jason asked me. He was looking at a picture frame on my dresser of me when I was maybe seven, my mom was sitting at the kitchen table with me and I was smiling, proudly holding up an English book... I did not know why, I kept that framed, it was a random photo of me, not like a picture of me winning any first prize ribbon or anything.

"I am... well, was for some years, some years I wasn't, I went to the public school in town for a few years," I said before pausing "what about you?" I asked.

"Just the regular stuff and a couple of online college courses," he said with a quick smile.

I took a look at his toned arms and muddy shoes. "So, what sport do you play?" I asked, praying that my guess was on the mark.

"I hunt," he said.

"Oh, my dad does too. Do you hunt bear? Deer? ...Wolf?" I asked, curiously.

Jason looked like he was about to keel over in laughter. "No, not wolves... I mainly hunt deer," he said.

"Same with my dad," I said, sitting down on my bed. Jason sat down next to me, continuing our conversation on hunting, what rifle he used and such, where he is bean and what he is gotten.

"I've only ever gotten a two-pointer... which from what you've gotten is nothing," I smiled faintly, I was mentally drooling at his list of eight-pointer elk and six-pointer bucks... I mean, the dude is like a hunting god!

We talked till it was dark out, it was actually one of the best nights of just talking to someone I've ever had.

I don't remember falling asleep, but I woke up in bed, I didn't bother looking at my clock on my nightstand, I saw a piece of paper folded up next to it with my name on top in really nice cursive handwriting... probably from Jason... before I could grab it, I saw my mom standing outside our house, she looked down the driveway like she was waiting for someone... that's when I saw the huge beast walking out of the woods towards her... coming from behind her.

I leapt out of bed and bolted down the stairs, nearly falling as I ran to the front door.

"Mom! Move!" I nearly shrieked.

"Clare, don't yell, it's nearly nine AM! Jeez!" she said so causally, I looked from her to the huge... Wolf!?!

"Big... Big... Wolf." I mumbled shocked, pointing limply at it.

My mom cursed under her breath.

"Bryan, you didn't shift?! Great!" Mom said annoyed.

"Wait.... Dad?!" I gasped, suddenly, before my very eyes the wolf turned into my own father?!

"Oh God." I said, before very thing went black as I fainted.

When I woke up, I was terrified and almost certain I was high on drugs...

My parents sat in the living room, with me on the big couch and my dad on the arm of the loveseat and my mom sitting on it.

"So, you're telling me your both werewolves... and my best friend and her boyfriend and the guy I went out with are also werewolves," I said, rubbing my temples, trying to wrap my head around what they were telling me.

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