Chapter 24

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   My eyes snapped open and I shot up, sucking in a breath.

I looked at the figure to my right and nearly knocked the wind out of her, from how fast I got off the bed and hugged her.

She dropped an old looking knife that... had fresh blood on it.

I grabbed her left hand to see it was sliced.

"Old magic... it was a knife?" I muttered.

"How did you-" she started, seeming a bit confused.

"What did you trade for my life?" I asked quickly.

"Don't worry about that, right now, Meagan will want to see you... and probably yell at you and punch you.... But the others.... They need to see that your alive." She said smiling... almost forcefully.

I looked at her worried, before nodding, I knew right then, I needed to make sure my pack knew I was alive.

Walking down those stairs into the great room, seemed like the hardest, yet easiest thing to do in my life, my body ached from the fight, but the anticipation of seeing my sister and the rest of the pack, made it seem like nothing.

I was on the second to last step, when Meagan threw herself at me, her arms nearly rebroke my neck, once she loosened her death hold, I smiled at her.

"You, stupid idiot! Do you know how worried I was, how worried Clare was?! You die one more time, either of you, and I swear, I will bring you back, just so I can kill you myself!" she said, scolding both me and Clare, who stood behind me, shocked by Meagan's rage.

"Hi, nice to have you back, boss." Nick said smiling awkwardly, from behind Meagan.

"Where's Skylar and Luke?" I asked, not seeing them in the house.

"Their off doing their beta work, making sure everyone is ok and also... dealing with the losses... Coal and his pack are resting in some of the guest houses." Bryan said as he walked over to me, before putting a hand on my shoulder.

"How are you... doing though... with... not being dead?" Bryan asked awkwardly.

"I, well, feel fine... right now, anyways... I'll let you know if I start rotting and craving flesh." I joked, Clare elbowed me, causing me looked at her a bit confused.

She gave me a 'don't joke' look.

"We're just glad you back from hell, man." Nick smirked, from beside Meagan.

"Why would I be in hell?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest.

"I-... Uh, never mind." Nick stammered, as if scared I was going to attack him.

"Vampires go to hell, besides, you know the saying 'all dogs go to heaven', of course." Clare said smiling evilly.

"Vampires' are only in twilight. Besides, they did a crappy job of explaining everything, about the moon and our real origin." Meagan scoffed.

"But they did get the buff guys," Clare mumbled, I looked at her a bit surprised by that.

"We're hotter than them!" Nick blurted, defensively.

"Ok, Nicky, whatever you say." Meagan teased, poking his semi buff arm, I mean, Nick was fit, but he was a bean pole.

Suddenly, Rose must have gotten bored of us joking and taunting each other, cause she cleared her throat before speaking, drawing our attention to her.

"Anyways, Jason, you should probably take it easy, since you just got... back." She said, almost unsure how to say coming back from the dead normally.

"Rose, thank you for your concern, but I don't think I need to sleep for days!" I smiled, glancing at Clare, who smiled at me, still in shock how I was alive.

"He's right... Sleeping is for the dead, am I right, boss?" Nick joked, but no one laughed or even cracked a smile.

"Ok, then... tough crowd." He muttered, looking down at his hands awkwardly.

The rest of the day, I spent with Clare, I think she was making sure, I would not go all zombie werewolf and kill everyone... Nick made her paranoid.

Thanks a lot Nick!

I was glad for that time with them, cause the later part of the day, me and Clare had to talk with Coal and say goodbye to him and his pack, since they were leaving early the next morning.

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