Chapter 1

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Tommy was woken up to one of his best friends tubbo, he groaned "

Tubbbboooo What time is it?"

He and his two best friends tubbo and ranboo live in an orphanage. It's not the most pleasant thing but it's better than the place they came from.

Tubbo replied happily

" 6 am"

Tommy was surprised by how early it was his ears twitching in annoyance.

The three of them were different hybrids, their mom was human but their dads genes were strong, not that matters anymore their parents died ages ago.Ranboo was an enderderain so naturally he wolud be tall but their mothers height made him an average height just on the tall side, tubbo was a ram hybrid who had large horns wrapping around his ears, and tommy was a raccoon hybrid.

Between the three of them they could cause so chaos with tubbo having a knack for head butting people, tommy being great at climbing and having enhanced speed, and ranboo who could teleport.

Tommy rubbed his eyes and looked at his friend who was hovering over him with an evil gleam in his eyes. He then moved his eyes around the room, it was small just enough for two bunk beds( one bed being un-used), some dressers, and a door to the bathroom

. Tubbo was getting impatient and threatened to head but him if he doesn't get up. Obviously,  he scrambled awake feeling slightly dizzy at how fast he got up.

He told tubbo he was showering before grabbing some clothes and heading to the bathroom.he could hear tubbo waking up Ranboo from the other room, the walls are thin and sound travels easily

He wondered what the day's events might bring, everyday was something unexpected, and most times unpleasant so he hoped the day could be calm


I'm sorry for how short the chapters are in this, they get much, much, much longer soon

Comments are really appreciated!

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