Chapter 19

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(Wanna mention here that Ranboo has an ability restrictor so he can't teleport and Tommy got his boot off at this point )

The scientist grabbed Tommy and pulled him out of the room. His brothers were going to protest but he shook his head, he didn't want his brothers or get in trouble because of him.

He was brought to a different room. This was still all white, but have a chair with restraints on it in the middle. He was placed onto the chair and the restraints clicked on. The male scientist had a syringe with yellow liquid inside of it that he stuck into Tommy's arms.

After he did this overwhelming pain immediately went into his back, where his ears would be, and claws.


Phil was worried to say the least, it had been a week since bench trio went missing. When the trio didn't come back from the park he was saddened but assumed they went back to foster care, so he called the place. They said they didn't have the kids and when he looked at the place the kids weren't there.

In desperation he went around and looked for witnesses that were at the park to see where they went, Then when he couldn't find anything he may have committed a minor crime and payed someone to hack into city cameras.

What he found shocked him. The boys all sitting there deciding to forgive Him and Wilbur, when they got attacked and dragged into a white van

When Wilbur found out what happened he felt horrible guilt, if he didn't spy with Phil they would have never gone to the park and if they never went to the park, then even if the people came to the house Technoblade could protect them.

He and Many of the trios friends worked Aimlessly to find them, they even worked with the Dream team. Usually Wilbur hates the dream team who were known for their brute force and gruesome methods, but he was desperate. (The trio had never heard about the dream team during the park incident )


Tommy was thrown back into the room with his brothers while he was screaming in pain. He could feel more blood spilling out of his back, and he tried to be strong but the pain was two much.

Tubbo ran up to him with Ranboo right behind as they tried to Comfort Tommy. Tommy couldn't see them though, black dimmed his vision and he could only hear his own screaming. Eventually Tommy passed out.

When Tommy woke up the First thing he felt was something on his back, it wasn't unpleasant but it was a very strange feel. The pain he previously had still lingered.

When Tommy was awake enough he looked at what the feel was a shrieked as soon as he saw it.

His scream must have woken up His brothers but he didn't care, there were extravagant red wings in his back. Where his claws were once, were now retracted talons, and he had sensitive hearing again.

His brothers ram over to him and slowly comforted him.

"Why the HELL do I have fucking wings?! What did they do to me" He tried to force his voice not to crack but it did anyways

"I don't know Tommy"

Tubbo sounded frantic and he realized he should calm down. He tried to move his wings upwards and after a bit he could. It was a pretty nasty sight, all of the feathers were messed up and flakey blood fell off.

He then retracted his talons while his brothers watched.

"Are you better Toms?"

" Yea the pain that I had mostly passed through my sleep, it still hurts like an ass but it's better"

A scientist entered the room and said it was mandatory shower time and led the boys out of the room.

Tommy was thankful to be able to shower and went in his little cubby shower.

Tommy tried his best to clean his wings, but not knowing much about being an Avian it was difficult.

He hoped when- if he goes back home that Phil could help him, Phil was an Avian to.


Wilbur was anxious hair waiting. The dream team was able to identify one of the scientists that kidnapped Bench trio, and took them while they were off duty for interrogation.

Wilbur tried to image what the boys were going through, and this caused him to lose any pity he may have had for the scientists.

The dream team is known for being brutal while being paid, so no feelings involved. But the team isn't getting paid for this. they were friends with the bench trio, so feelings were definitely involved and Wilbur didn't wanna know what they were doing to the damned scientist.

He got taken out of his thoughts when his room door opened and Techno strolled in.

" Ey Techno need something?"

"We found the location"


Techno explained that the dream team were able to force responses with some "encouragement" they told where the lab is.


Hello! Sorry this took a while to come out, I was planning on having it done the same day I released the previous chapters but I kept losing motivation.

Also I just wanted to say tysm for 100 reads!

Word count:877

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