Chapter 16

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Tommy walked out of his room to greet his two brothers, Tubbo and Ranboo before he marched downstairs with them.

They were in the subject of different piercings and Tommy slightly went on a rant while Tubbo and Ranboo made their breakfast.

He talked about how he really loves nose piercings and how he found silver ones better to match with his skin tone and stuff like that. He has always like silver more but gold was still cool, they were both shiny and he loved shiny things.

Tubbo, Ranboo, and Tommy always loved them, and all had ones they hope to get when they grow up. Tubbo wants a lip piercing, Ranboo wants two piercings on each of his ears, and Tommy loved nose piercings.

The boys never really knew why they liked them so much.Maybe it was because of the heavily Christian houses they went to that hated them, maybe it was how cool they looked.

Hello 👋 just wanted to add here I have no problem with Christian's and they aren't bad, I was just writing this and some more super crappy houses they went to.

Wilbur listened to the boys talking, the boys obviously didn't hear him on the stairs and he enjoyed "overhearing" the boys conversations. The bench trio had definitely gotten more comfortable around Wilbur and his family, but they still were guarded, still wouldn't tell them anything about their panic attacks or what caused them. He always noticed how they only confined to themselves and each other, not once did he ever hear the boys complain about anything around Wilbur but they would always talk about it on their therapy circle.

The first time Wilbur found out about the therapy circle was a couple days ago. The trio would turn the LEDs to a dark blue in the main room upstairs, gather in a circle and talk about everything. Sadly he didn't hear anything he needs to help the boys before he was caught, but the boys weren't angry at him so he was lucky he supposed.

Wilbur walked upstairs and greeted Phill and said he had something the boys liked if Phil wanted. This had been going on since the boys came, the trio was
more comfortable around Wilbur for some odd reason so Will would clue Phil in on things the boys liked and disliked.

Phill was surprised that Bench trio like things like that, but thought he could surprise them with it. Phill decided that he was gonna offer getting the boys lip rings and things like that after therapy

I'm getting really tired of writing " the brothers" or " the bench trio" so I'm just gonna say bench trio from now on because I need to say it a lot


Bench trio piled into Phil's car and they drove. Tubbo had decided on wearing a yellow and black striped shirt to match Toms, but added overalls with shorts on top of it. Ranboo had a purple and black striped shirt on as well, figuring if his both brothers are he will to. He throw on some black leggings and a nice eye of ender necklace.

When the group arrived Phil wished the boys luck and drove away leaving them there.


Tommy walked into the place with his brothers listening to Tubbo go on another rant about Bees, and smiling lightly.

When they arrived they did simple ice breakers like saying your name and hybrid ( this was hybrid only therapy)

Tubbo was supposed to start

"Hello I'm Tubbo and I'm a ram hybrid!" He said brightly

"Hello I'm Nikki and I'm a siren hybrid" a girl said

"Hello I'm fundy and if it's not blatantly obvious I'm a fox" he seemed a bit annoyed but Tommy ignored it

" Why are you guys being so formal HeLlo iM," a boy mocked " Anyways im Jschalt. Also a ram, Ram hybrid club!"

"I'm Tommy, a Raccoon"

" Ranboo, and I'm enderian"

After Wilbur, Techno, and Jack introduced themselves everyone spent the day just getting to know everyone in the new group. Tommy took an immediate liking to Jack who had nice charisma, Tubbo enjoyed Schlats company, Ranboo liked Nikki, and Wilbur stuck around Fundy.

The therapy was fairly simple and once Tommy and his brother were done with it they all went outside the building to wait for Phil. When Phil arrived Ranboo was having a rather interesting talk about how his kind was originally from a different world but when a portal made by this realms people got opened to their world, it made it so his kind could travel back and forth between worlds at will.

Ranboo was a special case though, he wasn't technically enderian. Ranboo was tested on before his hybrid traits came, and the tests stunned his growth of traits. When the lab realized this they decided to run the experiment if they could GIVE traits. They managed to insert the dna of enderian people and the test worked.

Those stupid scientists were so selfish this didn't care about how much it hurt getting his sensitive ears, tail. Or his skin changing. That experiment was pretty important it seems, as the supposed "leader" of the lab came down. His name was XD or something. To Tommy he just seemed like some Moron with a god complex.

Word count:888

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