The mall

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The next day Tommy woke up hugging Tubbo and laying against Ran-boo who had his arms around Tommy. He slowly removed his arms from Tubbos, before moving Ran-boo's hand and standing up.

He walked into the bathroom and splashed some water in his face before walking down stairs. The smell of pancakes and toast flooded his nose.

He saw The two twins (Techno and will) sitting at the table eating... you guessed it, pancakes and toast

When Philza spotted tommy he greeted him kindly and it was strange to Tommy

"Hey Mate! Take a seat at the table I'm making pancakes if you okay with that? Are you brothers up?"

He spoke a lot at once kinda like tubbo but more calm.

"Hello uh... Phil! Pancakes are great Tubbo and Ranboo are no-"

Tommy started when his ears shot up, by sound being heard above. It sounded like Tubso and Boo, but the other people with him didn't or seem to hear them. It was probably his sensitive ears that heard them.

"What's wrong" Wilbur asked

"Oh! Nothing I was about to say Tubso and Bo weren't up but I can hear them getting up"

"Ah okay" Phill said while placing Pancakes with strawberry jam toast on the side in front of Tommy.

He started quickly eating before slowing down then speeding up without thinking but noticeably avoided certain parts of the plate.

When Tubbo came downstairs with Ranboo they sat next to Tommy. Ranboo seemed fully awake controlling his particles around the boys again, while Tubbo was still tired rubbing his eyes. Philza set work on making their breakfast while tommy spoke with them.

Tommy moved his plate in between him and Tubbo ( ranboo have gotten up and was standing behind Tubbo) and Tubbo immediately grabbed a peice of toast and munched on it as Ranboo did the same with the other Piece of toast.

Wilbur and Techno watched this as the three of them ate Tommy's food before being given their own food but didn't say anything.

Phill started to talk to the boys about the plans for today

"So now that we're all awake and fed I was thinking we could go to the mall to get you boys some clothes and things you need. I heard you were planning to change the central bedroom into a hangout place so that can be our monthly goal, but we can get other stuff to like things to customize your own rooms and some better clothes."

They all agreed and so the trio climbed into the car and drove to the mall. They got put into groups that would change every hour. Tommy with Wilbur, Philza with Ranboo, and Techno with Tubbo.

Tommy's trip was pretty normal for the most part when it came to clothes shopping, Since Tommy has no sense of style Wilbur helped him pick out nice outfits. When they finished clothes shopping They went to a store Tommy had never even seen before it was a store that only sold plushies. Wilbur laughed at how Tommy looked like a kid in a candy store. He eventually got a cow stuffed animal he named Henry.

When everything else was finished( the family just decided not to swap people around) Wilbur and tommy name their way to a wood store at his request to get something to carve it was the final thing he wanted for his room because he had already gotten stuff for it. He picked four plain pieces, one for each room.

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