Chapter 21

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Tommy was tired when he woke up but rose from his bed and started his way to downstairs. He realized he was i n his room, he didn't really observe his surroundings before.

He was greeted by Philza when he walked down, shot h hurt alot thanks to all his wounds.

"Hey... Um I have breakfast if your up to it"

"Yea that sounds great big man" He said while Rubbing his eyes

He was tired, and his recovery was slow but over the weeks he got better.


Tommy was sitting in a chair while Phil sorted out his wings.

"Yknow The wings you got here have made a pretty good recovery. Under the feathers there's some scars but you can't tell if your not lookin. "

"Speaking off what hybrid even am I? I know I'm a type of bird like you but our wings are  different and it's obvious I'm not a crow like you since mine are red and all"

"Shit I thought I told ya mate. Your a parrot, tada 🎉"

"That's cool, Will I ever be able to fly?"


Tommy was excited to learn to fly, while he desperately missed being his natural raccoon self he liked being a bird. His room was adjusted and he now has a type of net bed that hangs for the ceiling so he doesn't damage his wings.

He went to therapy a lot more often and finally he felt at peace. He finally had a home, not just a house like the orphanage but a real home. A home full of people who love him, people he loves, and everything he thought he would never have.

He could never be happier. Tommy thought back to the days at the orphanage, all the times they weren't fed, or were scolded and yelled at.

                       Sorry another time skip

"Boss man hurry up we have therapy today" Tubbo whined

"I'm trying to get this stupid sweater on with my wings!"

He was annoyed until Ranboo walked up to him. He gently pushed Tommy's wings down and pulled down on  the sweater, letting his wings going into the select holes for wings.

"Thanks boo" Tommy smiled at him. The trio made their way downstairs and had some breakfast. Before going in the car.

When they arrived at therapy he walked over to Jack and started talking. Later Tubbo and Schalt joined, and the four of them discussed trick questions.

It was times like this where Tommy truly felt 16.

After around 10 minutes the therapist announced they wolud have a newbie to the group and Tommy wondered who it would be.

" Meet your new therapy friend Timedeo!"

Tommy was surprised to know that he was going to therapy but called out

" HEY HUBBY!" Tommy called out. An inside joke of them is that they are platonic partners. Eventually, Tommy's life fell into a new normal. It would never be the same, but maybe in Tommy's case that's a good thing


  why is it so hard to wrap up the end of a series.
Well Thank you all for reading! I'm here to brag that I didn't kill off any of my characters, cause I was really close to murdering Jack.

I'm starting a new series as-well if guys wanna read that. Have an  amazing day

Word count:555

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