Chapter 2

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The shower was cold and unpleasant but he just showered quickly. The orphanage they live at isn't the nicest to the boys, waiting for them to age out of it but they manage and have fun with it. Tommy got out of the shower and got changed, thankful for the warmth the clothes provided after the cold shower.

He walked out into their room where tubbo was sitting on the spare bunk bed while Ranboo ran a brush through his hair. Tubbo was being his usual chaotic but Tommy and Ranboo didn't mind, in fact they enjoyed it. The boys all had sensitive ears due to their hybrid traits so they never really yelled though.

Once everyone was ready they set out to downstairs for the day to start. They got into their usual routine, Tommy being there confidence of the group,Tubbo being the Strange,and Ranboo being the brains of the group.

The daily activity was drawing, the trio favorite. Tommy walked over to a kids drawing and insulted it , pointing out its flaws and mocking the kid. Ranboo grabbed some paper and started drawing for the three boys, while tubbo chose two girls walking up and started jerking his head to the side repeating the same sentence till the girls were in hysterics. Tommy's kid had enough and broke down aswell,

the two boys hopped along to ranboo before grabbing the papers ranboo had laid out for them and since the employees had no proof they  just worked on calming the children.

When the employees did what they always do, leaving the kids alone with the same people who made them cry, Tommy stuck his feet up on the table.

"Ey tubster give me a paper"Tommy said

He help his hand out next to his and waited until he felt  texture on his hand before crumpling his paper into a ball. He shot a look and his two brothers, smirking. Tubbo caught on to what he was doing and snorted while Ranboo just rolled his eyes fondly, but didn't do much to hide his  mischievous gleam that appeared inside his eyes

Tommy did a lazy throw and knocked a bottle of water over ruining  Jared's drawing. Nobody really liked him, he was just a weirdo who kept spouting nonsense about his girlfriend. Tommy found it hard to believe she exists, a shared feeling among him and his friends.

Jared ran over to the table and started screaming about his that was a picture for his girlfriend that they ruined and kept insisting they would pay.

The yelling caught the attention of staff members and Tubbo seemed the catch onto this as he started tearing up. Tommy quickly caught on while Ranboo teleported across the room, as he couldn't cry on cue like the others.

The member walked over and it was obvious she was new and not familiar with the kids

"Hey buds. What's going on?"

"They ruined a drawing for my girlfriend!" Jared pointed out a finger the the two.

"We wouldn't do that! That's mean and for mean kids." Tubbo said staring up at the person with giant puppy dog eyes. Tommy copied this.

Usually Tommy let Tubbo talk for situations like the current one, he was smaller and it made him more innocent while he talked

The staff member sighed "Jared I don't think so. these two look like they couldn't harm a fly! How do you expect to believe you? Just apologize and move on"

"Me?! They ruined my drawing!"

"Jared" the person warned

"Fine! I'm sorry or whatever even though I did no wrong!" He said and ran away. The employee ran after and the enderian teleported back over.

Tommy put his feet back on the table and the trio started laughing.  One for bench trio Zero for Jared

Once the boys got bored the skipped along to the park deciding that it was better than sitting alone in their small room all day

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