Chapter 18

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There was a golden like glow coming out of the device. To anybody else it would probably be impressive, mind blowing even but to the boys who have seen this before it wasnt mind blowing but still enjoyable

The device weaved together the skin leaving a faint scar, that would heal in due time.

Now that Wilbur was fine Tommy and his brothers were more than pissed. Tubbo picked up Wilbur easily and walked downstairs slowly ignoring as Wilbur woke up and started waking up. Tommy was infront of Tubbo while ranboo was behind, and that's how the trio walked.

When they arrived downstairs Wilbur was still waking while Tubbo dropped him onto the couch. Ranboo was like the parents of the group and was hard to anger, but even he looked upset that they listened in on not only a private conversation they did it more than once.

Phil started apologizing as soon as he saw the trio, but stopped when he saw Ranboos Warning look.

The boys calmed down and said they were going to the park to calm down. Phil had many objections to this as it was late and tried to get Techno to go with them, but Tommy spoke up

"Would you rather end up like Wilbur?" His tone was deathly and drew attention to his still Retracted claws.

Phil swallowed and realized that this probably wasn't the best time to talk to them, as he and Wilbur invaded on something private more than once.

Purple particles surrounded the boys and bring them to the park. And the boys walked over to the Swings to talk.

"Do we get angry at them, do we yell our heads off at them and drop it, do we pretend like nothing happened?"

"I dunno Tubso"

" I think we should forgive them. Techno obviously wasn't a part of it, Wilbur got the pain of Tommy's wrath, and Phil seems genuinely sorry" Ranboo said this as a wrap to it for the most part. The boys all had their own opinions and spoke those, and most times Ranboo would decide their course of action.

The boys nodded when multiple people in all black came up on the boys from behind and placed a cloth over Ranboos mouth. His eyes immediately shut and his body collapsed, leaving his two brothers without an escape plan.


Tommy's voice was panicked as he skittered and hopped away from multiple people with darts, presumably to knock out the boy. Eventually the people landed a shot on his ear, not fully knocking him out but completely draining his energy. The people used this to their advantage nailing him with another dart in his neck and causing him to also collapse.

Tommy woke up in a very bright white room. It was uncomfortable and small, nothing noticeable anywhere in it just pure white everywhere. His body started to leave his body and float above when a noise brought him back.

"Hello 003"

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Tommy yelled looking around for the source of the sound. He tried to move his body but it wouldn't move, probably effects of
The darts that haven't worn off yet.

A worker entered the room with a big needle and injected it into Tommy's arm. He yelled and as "punishment" they put on a type of mask that prevents him from talking.

The big needle caused him to be able to move, but before he could do anything restrains we're pressed up against his arms.

" 003 I think it's time to continue our experiment about changing hybrids. We were able to change the hybrid of someone who never had hybrid traits, but I wonder if simply removing the traits before the process would work"

Tommys eyed widened in fear, we're going to REMOVE his hybrid traits?!"

He tried to struggle but was led to a room with a multitude of tools. He was shoved on top a stretcher where he was further restrained.

The scientist had a wicked grin on her face "Let This be your punishment for running away. I want you to know that we could make this painless, but this is your punishment!"

Another scientist walked in the room, this time a male. The man walked up a grabbed his tail before tommy could realize what was happening. The woman walked over to him and slowly used the knife and other tools to carve off his tail. He tried to cry out of pain but the mask prevented him.

He forced his ears down as he didn't want them to cut off his ears. The male doctor Screamed at the top of his lungs and he put his ears up out of instinct, a grave mistake. The male doctor grabbed his ears and the female started the slow and painful process of cutting off his ears.

The pain wasn't something he could describe and it was something he wished to never experience again.Eventually, the male doctor took out a syringe with red liquid inside and poked it into his arm. This made him fall asleep and Tommy was thankful for the relief sleep gave.

When Tommy woke up he saw his two brothers, bench trio reunited. When Tubbo saw he was awake he ran over

"Tommy! are you okay?? That's a stupid question of course your not!" He hugged him in a tight embrace. Tommy tried to be in the moment but pain was pulsing through his veins like a fucking bull.

Ranboo didn't say anything but joined in on the hug. Tommy pulled back after a couple seconds to get a look at his two brothers, they didn't look to bad. They have multiple red spots on their arm's presumably from needles, and a fair share of cuts but they seems okay.

Tubbo definitely had it best though. He had some pretty nasty cuts and scrapes, but Tommy had his hybrid traits removed with a knife and Ranboo had burn marks from getting dropped in water.

Tommy was relieved that they didn't look too horrible but wondered how long it had been


"yes ?"

"How long has it been?"

Tubbo spoke now "Around 4 days, me and ranboo have been counting but it's pretty hard when we have no access to light."

Ranboo nodded " Yeah we have been basing it off of when they give us that trashy shit they call dinner, so if they mix up the times they feed us which they probably are we have no idea how long,"

They started catching up when they were interrupted by the door opening

Word count:1111


Hello! Sorry to leave out on this cliff hanger, by the the time anyone reads this the next chapter will probably be out anyways. I've been having a shitty day so this was like therapy to write.

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