New house

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The car slowly pulled to a stop in front of a giant house. Ranboo worked on slowly waking the two boys up, starting with tubbo slowly tapping on his horns to wake him up. He then moved to Tommy he lightly shook him awake.

Tommy woke up to Ranboo slowly and gently shaking him. He looked around and it took him a moment to remember what happened. All his emotions came down at once, all the worry, fear, and slight excitement rooting him inside his body.

He wasn't quite sure why he was excited if he was honest, most homes were just dread, but these
people felt somehow different? He wasn't sure.

The boys were led inside by Techno, but was joined by Wilbur. Wilbur made sure to note the way Ran-boos particles flew around the boys instead of just around his head like at the foster place.

From what Wilbur  was told on file the particles surround the boys to teleport them so Ranboo was probably ready to teleport at a moments notice.

The Tubbo was quickly explaining some stuff about them like what triggers panic attacks, before switching over to some more fun topics.

"We actually call ourselves the bench trio" Tommy talked for the first time the entire conversation.


"Volume Tubso" Ranboo said before Tubbo continued

" yeah we're called the Bench trio cause we actually were found at a bench" The three laughed but Wilbur felt bad, from what the file said their parents were two or three when they died so if he was correct the three would have been 2-3 living on a bench until they were found.

Techno ended up just leaving the boys to Wilbur so he lead them to four rooms.

"So uh do you guys wanna share a room or have separate cause we have four spare rooms, so you guys could figure out to do with the spare rooms you have."

The boys were still uncomfortable with this but decided to have their own room and since there were four room they could turn the main room into a hangout area.

There was one room the all the others connected to, so eventually they decided it would be that one.

The boys got settled in their rooms and Wilbur left them alone.they sat in a circle discussing what happened today, it was like their version of therapy where they spill everything, their feelings their thoughts, everything.

They fell asleep like that. All three of them leaned against a wall Tubbo and tommy hugging each other while laying on ranboo, And ranboo having both his arm around his brothers.

Phil was downstairs making tea and talking with Wilbur and Techno.

"They seem very on edge" Techno states

"Yea the boy that can teleport has his particles circling the boys, by the looks of it he's just always ready to teleport away from us." Wilbur added

Phil handed out the freshly made tea before he started to talk. " I think they are just scared, I mean the employee literally weren't gonna feed the kids for a month and now they suddenly got fostered when usually it takes a while to get fostered. I'm gonna take them shopping tomorrow for some more clothes, some comfort items like blankets, and some stuff to customize their room."

"Yeah Tubbo talked and shared some of their hobbies I have it written down if you want it Phil?" Wilbur spoke again

" if you could"

Wilbur pulled out his phone and tapped into notes where it had the words

Tubbo= Loves animals and fireworks+ painting

Ranboo=loves Writing and painting

Tommy= Likes using claws to wood carve and painting

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