Texas lad TimeDeo!

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Just wanted to let you readers know that this has no correlation to anything irl I just really wanna make a Christmas chapter

At 5:00 the boys went downstairs to see Phil and the twins hanging out. It had been a couple weeks now and the boys were more comfortable with the family.

Christmas was coming up and they were all excited for many different reasons. Phil for example was excited to see the excited looks on the kids faces, While the Bench Trio was exited to actually celebrate Christmas for once, as they never did at any of the other houses.

Phil was cautious but started talking anyways, " so, I have been meaning to talk to you guys about something. It's totally optional and okay not to but if your up do it do you think you guys would be up to joining a therapy group? I think it could really help you guys with your past,"

The trio was expected to have many reactions, They were expected to be shocked, hesitant, maybe even scared but nobody was expecting the boys to do a nonchalant "sure therapy's pog" and move on.

The boys decided to go for a walk to the park with the twins joining them After about two hours. So the 5 made their way out the door and to the park and 7:00 when Tommy immediately stopped, eyes locked directly on a certain boy with a Santa hat.

Tommy sharply inhaled and all of the other 4 people were confused

Tommy didn't care in the slightly though, moving as fast as his legs could go without thinking and tackling this boy into a hug


"TOMMY! I missed you!"

The two boys hugged and the other four boys just stood to the side confused. Eventually, after lots of hugs we're exchanged the two made their way over and Tommy introduced him.

"Deo meet Tubbo, Ranboo, Wilbur, and Techno,
Tubbo,Ranboo,techno, and Wilbur meet Texas lad...Time Deo! Me and him used to be best friends but we got separated."

" I would like to think we are still best friends" Deo said with a smile

When they explained where they were headed deo decided to tag along and Tommy filled him in on everything he missed.

None of the boys had ever heard Toms Talk of Deo So this definitely caught them off guard but none the less they were happy for Tommy. Over the time they have known tommy it was nice but they could see that his past affected him quite a lot, so who knows maybe Deo can be the change they need to help things look upwards.

When the the clock hit midnight they all said their goodbyes and went back home.

That night Tommy couldn't sleep at all, he didn't know why but he was restless like there was something wrong. He tried to ignore this and went onto the roof to get some air when he saw Wilbur there.

Tommy was unsuspecting and walked up to Wilbur only to notice a big bottle in his hand. Tommy was shocked as his point of knowing Wilbur he seemed great and happy.

Tommy didn't know much about the situation but he knew enough to know he should probably get Wilbur inside .

He walked slowly forward more of where Wilbur could see him.

" Hey Wilbur, It's pretty cold out here we should probably get inside" Tommy said taking multiple steps forward.

"Nah I'm good tommy" Wilbur said this tiredly

"Are you sure Wilbur" Tommy kept repeating this getting closer and making up more reasons Wilbur should get inside until he was right infront of Wilbur.

Wilbur was agitated at this point and pretty drunk so he did something he would later regret horribly he let out a stiff " I'm fine!" And pushed tommy

Now pushing Tommy wolud have been fine if he weren't on the edge of the roof of a three story house.

Tommy was caught of guard by Wilbur quickly moving and got pushed off the roof. He couldn't help but scream knocking Wilbur back to his senses of what he did and waking up almost the entire house.

Wilbur spot on the edge of the roof and he realized what he just did, he rushed to the edge as he watched tommy fall, panic, guilt, and dread set in his eyes

Techno was the first to wake up only half alseep at the time when he heard a shrill scream that sounded like tommy come from outside. He rushed outside his room and looked thorough the window to see a Wilbur standing at the edge of the roof looking horrified. Phill was also rushing out just in time to hear a loud crack come from the lawn.

Now Phil and Techno are many things but dumb isn't one of them. They immediately ran outside to see Tommy laying in the grass, looking very hurt.

An ambulance was immediately called and Techno went to talk with Wilbur.


Hello! Do you like longer chapters like this? I've been working on this for a lot longer, so if I keep making longer ones my uploads won't be as frequent, but you will get more with each chapter let me know what you think

Word count: 888

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