Chapter 20

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(The picture above is one that I took, I thought it looked pretty cool so I added it here! The wallpaper I used isn't mine it's just the lock screen wall paper)

Wilbur's face lit up at this news, they could help save the Bench trio. He went downstairs with Techno and he could see Phil already arming himself with weapons galore. He had axes, swords, bows, pretty much everything.

Wilbur started arming himself as-well. he knew They were strong especially with help from people like Jschalt, Dream team, and Jack etc but he was still worried. They weren't going up against some puny opponents they we're going up against an organization.


Tommy hated everything that was happening in his life right now. Now that they had pretty much tortured him and changed his hybrid to Avian, it was a whole new world of tests.

The tests were brutal, some included cutting him open to test how much he could re heal, taking a multitude of his blood, and more.

His brothers haven't been tested on much, they have just been drugged the entire time while they focused on Tommy. Tommy wasn't sure how much longer he could take if before curling up and giving in to the enticing demands of death.

When he fell asleep he met a kind lady named Kristen. She introduced herself as a type of god when he first saw her, but wouldn't elaborate on what type of god she was.

It was always pleasant when he fell asleep, all of his pain wolud disappear and he could have a simple conversation. Conversation wasn't something he got out of the Scientists, and his brothers were always asleep.

Tommy didn't know how long it had been but it had damaged him significantly. He was having trouble remembering his name, and he had to stop from calling himself 003.

He was currently in a pool of his own blood, as he waited for the pleasant grasp of sleep.

Eventually he did, and as promised me was met with a figure taller than him. She had a large purple hat and a purple dress.

"Hey Kirsten!"

"Hello Tommy" She greeted kindly

That's right, his name was Tommy. He needed to remember that.

"Same old Train Station huh?"

"Yep" she chuckled slightly "yknow your doing great?"

"Thanks Kris"
Suddenly, the train started to take off and Kristen's face dropped.

"Tommy I don't ewant you to wake up NOW"

003-No Tommy was freaked out but tried to wake up anyways. When he couldn't he freaked out even more and started to pinch or smack himself, but he wouldn't wake up


Wilbur was more than ready . George being the hacker and brains of the group was able to hack into their system, and disabled cameras.

Phil used his wings to fly overhead and took out any guards than we're around the area. Now they all moved in.

Sapnap  was outside waiting for his que to burn the place to the ground. While Jack was gonna burn it from the inside (he's a blaze hybrid)

Dream and Techno will  be working together, as they trained together and cover each others blind spots.

Jschalt would stick around them and carry Ranboo and Tubbo. Tommy would be carried by Wilbur.

So they went inside finally. Jschalt found Tubbo and Ranboo in a room and got out of there safely rescuing the two. Wilbur continued his way with Techno and dream and barely recognized Tommy.

On the ground was Tommy curled up on a pool of his own blood with Avain features.

Wilbur knew he should care but he was so focused on saving his brother than he just picked him up avoiding his wings, and got the fuck outta there.

Once only Jack was inside the building he ran through shooting fires all around it.

Seeing the inside flames caused Sapnap to light the outside in flames and Burn the place to the ground.


Tommy was starting to panic now realizing he couldn't wake up.

"Tommy I want you to tell only the people you truly trust about this encounter, and say hi to Phil for me"

She said this and her eyes lit up a bright purple. She grabbed onto tommy hand and the train stopped.

then he was thrust back into the real world.

When he woke up he felt the familiar yet strange sensation of feathers near his ears, and wings on his back.

He assumed he was back in the lab but quickly realized something happened when he was no longer in a white gown and room, and he arms were bandaged.

After a few seconds Wilbur came flying in the room


"He-hey boss man what Happened, last I remember I was back in a sorta lab"  Wilbur ran up and hugged Tommy

"Your safe now that place is gone, but what happened? I don't mean to push but last I remember
You were a raccoon not a fucking parrot hybrid"

Tommy shivered as he remembered what had happened to him

" They cut off my fucking ears  and tail Will" his voice cracked "then they gave me a needle and I changed. That hurt so much will"

He started to cry. While  Wilbur reassured him.


After Talking with Tommy, Wilbur went downstairs. There were Techno and Phil

"Good or bad news?"

"Bad news"

"They fucking tortured him, by cutting off his ears and tail with a knife and locking him in a all white room alone by himself. They also added the DNA of a parrot and it caused him to grow wings, but since his body didn't naturally grow them the literally tore through his flesh and the only reason he survived is because he healed quickly"

He ignored the gasps

"But he's awake now and he met mom. And I checked his feathers can be repaired."

Phil sounded  horrified

" I'll do whatever I can to help him

Word count:999

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