Chapter 3

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No.. skipped wasn't exactly the right word here, a flurry of purple particles surrounded them quickly teleporting them directly to the park, kudos to ranboo.

The park was empty as it was early still, around 10:00 in the morning. They decided to play around the park doing separate things but still close by each other, a safety precaution that way if anybody like one of their million horrible horrible old  foster parents decided to try and hurt them (Which has happened) they could latch onto ranboo and teleport away.

Tubbo was splitting wood chips with his horns, something that was very usefull when something needed to be broken. Tommy was sitting on the ground while talking to ranboo, who had just finished braiding his own hair and tail and was now  moving on to do tommy hair.

The boys definitely hadn't had a nice past, the boys having been rescued from a lab who would do horrible things liek fully submerge ranboo in water until he went into Enderwalk, or see how Tubbo would react when watching Tommy be tortured right in front of him but not be able to do anything, but it was times like Theese where the 15 year olds felt truly happy. Well as happy as one could be in their position.

After an hour or two the boys were still content sitting n talking, laughing and joking when a group of three boys arrived at the park. This was fine with them as they just ignored the group and continued talking. The three boys seemed content with ignoring them.

One of them was wearing jeans with a green hoodie on it and a bright white mask covering his full face with a large smile on it. Another having brunette hair and a more petite body, he was wearing jeans with a blue crop top on and a white shirt underneath to hide his stomach. while the final boy had brown hair with a slight red tinge to it,he wore jeans and a white shirt with a cartoon flame on it and a black shirt underneath to hide his stomach aswell.

The one with a blue shirt and one with a red shirt appeared to be bickering while the boy with the mask was just laughing at the two boys antics

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