Chapter 17

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(Hi just wanted to add here that Tommy still has his boot from when Wilbur pushed Him off the roof)

Tommy and his brothers watched as the car pulled up. They all clambered in the car and started talking to phil.

Ranboo had offered to take him home cause he had been to the house before but Phil insisted he drive instead (Ranboo can teleport them anywhere as long as he has a visual whether it be a memory of the place or a photo)

Tommy still didn't fully trust Phil so him doing something like this really put him on the edge. He sat next to Ranboo and made sure that he was ready to teleport, because he trusted Phil but the trio all knew blind faith isn't good.


Phil slightly panicked at how suspicious the boys were. Ranboo had purple particles around his head, they were subtle like sparkles in the light but Phil noticed.

Tommy was waiting for something to happen when Phil Cleared him throat loud enough for the attention to shift all on him.

"So I overheard you guys talking about piercings earlier," phil ignored the narrowed eyes from Tommy " And if you guys are up to it I was thinking maybe we could get you some as a maybe late Christmas gift?"

All three of the boys eyes at this point were wide open in surprise. The boys never really got gifts and it was already a surprise when they got some for Christmas, so they definitely didn't expect more.

Tommy surprisingly was the first to speak up

"Really? Like truly? if your playing with us I might cry"

Phil Chuckled "of course!"

There was lots of different responses but it was a clear "YES!" From the boys

Phil drove to the place, and the boys couldn't wait in the back. Tubbo was having a hushed conversation about how cool the piercing he was gonna get was, while Tommy was firing back that nose rings were cooler.

When they arrived there ranboo grabbed the boys and teleported straight inside, to excited to wait.Phill chuckled at this and walked inside, it wasn't often you could see the boys portray so much emotion on their face.

The boys got escorted into different chairs, and the employees asked what each boys wanted. Tubbo decided to get a lip ring, Ranboo got multiple getting two piercings on his ears, and Tommy getting a lip and nose ring.

Tubbo got a fancy silver ring, that matches with Tommy's lip ring. Ranboo decided to get a connected earring with chains. ( it's an chain earring that goes in both earring holes in his ears) And Since the Lip ring that matches with Tubbo is fancy, Tommy got a simple nose ring.

When the boys got into the car even the more quiet  boys like Tommy were really excited. They had always been like this around each other,  Phil had seen it but to them  being like this around him was an improvement.

When Tommy and his brothers got home they all went to talk to someone in the Minecraft family, as them getting excited made them rather social.

Ranboo talked to Phil and they were talking about enderian kind, Tommy, Wilbur,  and Tubbo were talking about their matching lip rings, and Techno was just listening.

Eventually at around 9:00 the bench trio made their way upstairs and started their therapy group.

They talked about everything, unaware of the prying ears.

Wilbur and Phil knew they shouldn't listen but they just couldn't bring themselves to stop.

Ranboo spoke first "So how's today been?"

Tubbo who was normally really excited seemed calm and relaxed. "Pretty cool I mean I like the lip ring"

Tommy spoke up " yeah, I don't know how much we can trust them I mean for fucks sake one of them got drunk and pushed me off the god damn roof. I am still fine with him or whatever" Tommy quickly added the end after worried glances from his friend.

Wilbur was hurt to hear this, he knew he messed up big time but he thought Tommy wasn't still upset.

"I understand what you mean, but remember if we're ever in danger I can teleport us out as long as you cover me. Remember our stations?" Ranboo said

Tubbo who had been mostly quiet this entire time spoke up " I do, You do to right?"

" Yeah I do Big T. I run around hopping and climbing things of distract the people since I'm good at that, you protect ranboo since your strong and you headbut anyone who gets to close, and Ranboo attaches particles to us to teleport us away."

The mood darkened a bit at that but Tommy added "remember that one time I pissed off one of the people so badly they got their gang to come chase us around  with knifes"

The boys started laughing

" You guys were so hard to attach particles onto between tommy running for his life and Tubbo head butting people about every 5 seconds"

This made the boys laugh harder but made the two people listening suck on a breath.

Tommy who had the most sensitive ears, face dropped immediately causing the other boys to do the same. Tommy's ears were twitching liek crazy listening until he heard it and switched to sign language.

Tommy: Some is outside the door I can hear them

Tubbo: you know the plan

Ranboo: Yep

The boys continued to talk about something random while Ranboo connected his particles to tommy. When he was done he teleported Tommy directly above and outside the door. Tommy unhinged his claws and struck down without looking. When he looked at who he had disarmed he saw a shocked Wilbur

He had a decent gash in his shoulder but he ignored it and looked around for Phil Techno, but Techno had never been there and Phil fled already.

He sighed and look down at Wilbur again and to make things worse Wilbur had passed out on the floor. Tommy opened the door to show the damage he had caused to his brothers. Ranboo teleported the passed out man inside,  and Tubbo walked to his room grabbing one of his inventions.

It was one of his inventions made to help weave together skin. Only his brother knew his talents for machines though. Once he grabbed he walked outside of his room to see his brothers laying Wilbur on the couch. He sighed  and walked out it him placing the device on top of his cut and watching it work

Word count:1111

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