Chapter 8

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The water was cold and it brought him back to earth in a sense. He wasn't quite sure what it was but when he feels overwhelmed his body still moves and operates they way he wants it to, but it's not him in the body he just commanding it around.

He walked out to his brother tubbo had opened his bag that was filled with rocks and grabbed one out using his horns to separate it into smaller pieces. Ranboo was re-braiding his hair nervously in the mirror.

"Tubbo! Don't get debris on the floor I don't wanna clean that later!"

"Your no fun"

The boys had a small laugh, in most cases it would have been awkward but it just never was with the brothers. They WERE brothers but they never really felt that way, they felt more like childhood best friends than brothers.

The boys had calmed tommy down but they second the boy entered the room the entire vibe changed. There was a hushed silence in the room and Tommy used his emotions to harden a shield around him. Any chance they have to convince him of anything now wolud be through his brothers, and the people could tell.

Tubbo on the other hand, was the opposite. Tubbo had taken his emotions making them into a firework ready to shoot directly at Techno for making his brother cry. Ranboo was unsure of what to do, and decided it wolud be best to forget it ever happened.

Obviously the family wanted to speak to Tommy alone so Tubbo and Ranboo were quickly removed from the room. That meant the only people in the room were Tommy, Techno, Phil, and Wilbur.

Without his brothers Tommy's shield of emotions weakened to the point even a Patato could break it.

Techno was unsure of what to say, when he yelled he wasn't thinking and he knew now that it was a bad move but he did NOT expect the kid to have a full panic attack on front of him. Techno was taken out of his thoughts when Wilbur elbowed him sharply, his reminder to apologize.

"Hey.. Unm sorry about yelling, uhh I didn't mean to make you uhm freak out like that"

Tommy tried, and failed to resist the urge to roll his eyes.

"Whatever dude"

Tommy knew this would be taken the wrong way but didn't care. Eventually techno gave up trying to talk to the boy.

After a little bit he got into a nice discussion with Wilbur, the man was bright and was good with words. They were discussing some different gods when Wilbur finally got tommy to laugh. It was unique to say the least, like he does not do it enough to have it sound natural. Phil, who was listening to the conversation swore to change this if he adopted them.

Tommy still was guarded but has dropped it slightly around Wilbur, something evidently clear to Wilbur. Eventually the time of meeting was over.

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