Chapter 15

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There was a loud crack as Tommy hit the ground. He felt pain rush up his body. He let out a sharp cry and he heard people running towards him.

By the time they had got there Tommy was only half present, staring upwards the sounds around him and sights above him weren't registered in his mind.

He heard people yelling, that he assumed were Tubbo and Ranboo. He heard sirens coming down the street. He heard the Sirens getting closers then he heard Figures walking over and lifting him on top of something.

He tried to stay awake and keep his eyes open but as he was moved he closed his eyes and gave into the darkness.

He woke up to a blinding light and loud sounds all around. He winced as he opened his eyes his whole body hurt. He was trying to look around when he saw Tubbo, Ranboo, Phil, and Wilbur sitting next to, but still far from him in chairs.

When Tubbo noticed my eyes open he quickly rushed toward him

"TOMMY!" Tubbo yelled "I'm gonna kill that bastard"

"Hey toms how are you feeling?" Phil said as he helped me prop my body up with a pillow.

"I'm okay my body really hurts especially my leg"

Techno walked over slowly and spoke his voice actually having a hint of emotion in it " do you mind telling us what happened? We got Wilbur's story but he was drunk so,"

He shot Dirty glare to Wilbur who shrunk into his seat

Tommy began to recount what happened

"well I was trying to sleep and I couldn't so I tried to do a tip Techno gave me of going on the roof to get some fresh air as long as I'm careful. I saw Wilbur there and I soon realized he was holding a bottle of y'know, so I decided I should get him inside. I kept trying to convince him to go inside giving him different reasons and I kept stepping closer to him. When I was in front of him I tried one last time and he yelled he was fine or something and pushed me off then I fell. After I fell when I hit the ground nothing around me was registering in my brain and eventually I just passed out."

Wilbur at this point stepped forward "Tommy I am so so so sorry! I didn't mean to and I really regret it" he said this quickly and he spoke almost faster than tubbo, a true surprise as Tubbo can talk FAST.

Tommy assured him it was okay as some nurses entered the room and explained what was going on.

They said he was pretty lucky that he wasn't to injured he just sprained his leg, it seems bad but considering the fall and how he fell, he was lucky.

They said if all goes as expected he should heal fast and will have mostly healed in about 10 weeks to be useable as long he's careful.

Slight time skip

It had been a few weeks since The roof incident.

He had a pretty bad sprain and needed a boot but other than that things were going fairly well. Tubbo has yet to forgive Wilbur but Tommy has.

They have their first group  therapy tomorrow with some random person.

                       The next day

Tommy woke up to his brother Tubbo scrambling through his room. Tubbo said he  was looking around for a blanket he could steal when asked later, classic Tubbo.

They still had about two hours before the therapy and was actually kinda glad he was woken up. He walked downstairs still in his Pjs and got some cereal.

Phil came down from his office as he was pouring the cereal and greeted him

"Hey toms, you sleep well?"

"Yeah I slept pretty good Tubbos upstairs searching my room for blankets I'm not using and Ranboos making sure my room doesn't get destroyed at the hands of Tubbo"

Phill chuckled at this "Yeah the twins are getting ready for the group therapy for some reason they insist on having braided hair"

This time it was Tommy's turn to laugh. He poured the milk and munched on it quickly before going upstairs to get ready.

He threw on one of his nicer shirts, a black and dark red striped shirt, and some black jeans.  He has never gotten the chance to wear something like this before so he was excited.

He was a bit worried about the people in the class but not to worried, because they were all friends of will and techno's.


I'm in class rn:D

Word count:777

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